Zuni indian Shaman Dance sacred ceremonies 2007 New Mexico
Interview with Lauro Hinostrosa, biologist and shaman on the general views of Native Americans regarding the events for 2012.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Zuni indian Shaman Dance sacred ceremonies 2007 New Mexico
Interview with Lauro Hinostrosa, biologist and shaman on the general views of Native Americans regarding the events for 2012.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
hey, tinkamas fonas muzikai. Arba muzika fonui
Dance and sing, call in White Buffalo Here~ Aho~
Its called the Zuni Buffalo Dance.
i cant wait until the return of the old ways
We shall see. A renewal of a more reverential view toward nature and toward one another in this land would be a welcome thing, and perhaps it shall happen . . . but I halfway expect that in 2013, we may be viewing 2012 as having been just another year with the usual mix of achievements and crises.