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The chakra of mind, it helps us think clearly. It also helps us see clearly, both physically and psychically. It supports imagination, awareness of the subtle/energetic world, intuitive knowing, and inner vision. When you see something “with your mind’s eye,” you are seeing it with the sixth chakra.

Sixth-chakra intuition and wisdom are universal and transcendent in nature. The 6th chakra, when highly developed, elevates consciousness and confers deep spiritual insight and awareness. Perception of non-ordinary reality may accompany this.

Is Your Sixth Chakra Healthy?
Someone with a clear, balanced, and developed Third Eye chakra usually has a keen intellect balanced with strong intuitive abilities. They often have a good imagination and can visualize things easily. They can “grasp the big picture,” and may be seen as visionaries. When the sixth chakra is highly developed, a person will have expanded spiritual awareness and insight, and may be able to perceive and influence non-ordinary planes.

10 Ways to Clear and Balance Your Third Eye Chakra
So you’d like more clarity, insight, wisdom, intuition, and spiritual awareness?  Here are ten ideas for clearing and balancing your sixth chakra:

Ask the universe a question, then patiently wait and watch for the answer. Be prepared to wait from seconds to days, and to have the answer come from within or without.
Keep a dream journal.
Imagine your head as a balloon. Allow it to float to an upright position, positioning your ears directly over your shoulders. Do this often to train yourself to maintain good spinal alignment.
Meditate, focusing your attention in the center of your head at the level of (or slightly above)

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