outside naked for no reason at all—in public on a
clothing-optional (nude) beach, skinny dipping at the local
swimming hole, or in the privacy of your own backyard or hot
tub. Feeling the wind gently caress your whole body is
invigorating—and liberating. To enjoy this natural benefit,
there are now a growing number of naked races, hiking clubs,
picnics, dances, meditations and gatherings all over the
Our clothes are the costume we feel we have to present to the
world at all times. Being naked allows us to feel our natural
worthiness and completeness just as we are!
10. Travel without Money
Just as our clothes can over-define—and confine—us, so can our
bank account! Make a personal pilgrimage of liberation. Take a
trip somewhere, anywhere, without any cash, checks, cards or
other means of credit. And to a place where you don’t know
anyone you can borrow money from. This personal freedom trek
can be on foot, car or public transit. It can be for a mile or
1,000 miles, it can be for an hour, a day, or a year. Every
time we venture out into the world without our trappings—and
protections (armor)—of civilization, we gain in courage,
strength, self-reliance, and trust. Trust in yourself—and the
Universe—to provide. Every time we act out this trust in the
world, we increase our ability to attract and create Universal
Support and Supply. There are people who have gone around the
world with no money whatsoever. What freedom!
11. Practice Random Acts of Connection
Really. It works. Wave to a firefighter. Smile at a cop.
Salute a soldier. Hang with a kid. Have a friendly