Around the world, wisdom keepers are saying that 2010 is the year we need to “get it”. The time has come for us to wake up to who we really are. This is an evening with Wisdom Keeper/Shaman, Kiesha Crowther, “Little Grandmother”. Recorded before a live audience at Santa Fe Soul, here is information that helps make sense of the time between now and 2012.
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Nothing earth shaking here…to me at least. She might be right about some, nothing or all of it, and I personally always appreciate anyone willing to step forward and speak their truth.
BTW, it is odd to me how she keeps say God/Goddess……God is not a Man, It is The I AM That I Am….it is not gender specific. So when you add Goddess, which certainly is accepted as a feminine energy of the Divine you just projected separation onto the most important part of what she talks about. GOD!
@Anet000 You better do more studying and meditation…Im not writing this off of a guess or an emotion. No big headed green alien coming down here to save humanity by putting probes up peoples ass.
@searchn4mytruth i dont think so…
when she speaks about how we must start to create but create whaaaat? what does she mean that my mind is limited or ftw lol
@MrThatsrightbaby …become higher than “god”, and at the same time opens a passage from a parallel dimension to let legions of helpers through to this plane.
Christians aren’t the only ones who believe in Lucifer, you know, and I am not one of them. Other people have actually stood in his presence. There’s really no mistaking it then, and at the moment when the God of Light blows into the circle and makes himself known, “MYTH” turns into FACT, instantaneously.
@MrThatsrightbaby Hey man. It might interest you to know that I’ve not once in my life set foot in a church. I lean more toward the side of the ritual-doers. What I was explaining, if you read it, has NOTHING to do with what “christians” believe. It should also interest you to know that the actual perpetrators of these “hanus crimes” believe deeply in what they do, which is why they do it. I only explained the thinking behind the middle pillar ritual. It is a means to…
thank christ for something that makes sense for a change instead of all that bullshit christianity that americans so poundly uphold. the bible and all that crap is for narrow-minded people. gullible people who don’t question anything. sheep. they just do what they are told. they are the ones who are responsible for upholding this entire fucked-up system we live in because they dont take a stand of their fat american asses and speak out. they are brain dead. Just take another prozac why dont you
dude, your mind has been brainwashed by christian bullshit. Who is Lucifer? Have you met him? Were you there in ‘heaven’? Americans and their christianity is a joke. it’s a sickness. it’s funny to watch how it is embedded in your culture in so many ways. it shows how gullible people are, that they will believe anything just because they dont know who the hell they are, why they are here and where they are going. you even put it on your money! LOL
I’m having a mind blowing experience at the moment
I totally agree with Her.
It just feels right deep inside there…
Thank Your post.
@tigger5908 Some people are higher than the “source God” (if you will). It is thought that through blood sacrifice, one can leapfrog God.
A little trivia: The number of man is 9. The number of God is Zero, or, more frequently, 10. The number of the “Mage” is 11. Therefore, through much blood sacrifice, someone was made into an incredibly powerful “Mage” via a HUGE “middle pillar ritual” on “9-11”. Someone leapfrogged God in a big way that day. Abridged version for you, anyway.
Maat922…I know that we are higher than them. That is why Lucifer is SO pissed. I also realize that we have been “dumbed down” by all the wrong things in this world. I believe that, yes, together we are so powerful but i am sorry…we are NOT God and we certainly are not higher than God.
@tigger5908 Remember the story of the Lucifer Rebellion. “God” created man and commanded the angels to be subservient to the lowly new creation. Lucifer refused and was thrown down out of heaven. They are higher than us only because we have forgotten that we are higher than they are, in other words, “we Lord over them”. You can reclaim that at ANY time. Jackasses call it “angel magick” these days, but the fact is, it’s the human birthright.
she’s is fake men she tells nothing about hte messages she wanna spread.
she only talk wisdom keeper this that she ain’t talking about something new.
We each have a piece of the puzzle,
but not one of us sees the big picture.
Even the truth should not be believed.
We must desire to see with our own eyes.
Thank you for fanning my desire to see.
@Nosheepfull They are here, they are not in Blossom’s imagination or mine The Federation are very real and in my heart, no scam my friend have faith release feelings of victomhood and know all is as it should be as White Cloud says.
This woman is amazing. I can totally feel her sincerity!
We are GOD because we are part of the creation. We are as much a piece of GOD like the flower, the seed…we are GOD because GOD is in everything! Cant u se its time to wake up and understand that there are bigger matters then economics. The biggestr matter is that ther is no matter only mind. And we can truly become one because we are already one….
I have to say This and some will see and some will not hope you see a young lady that needs your help her Name is Hollie Greig if you see you may help if not keep safe and well.
I feel she is sincere…however I may not agree with all she is saying because it is all a matter of translation and interpretation. Much love and light to all.
Ohh yeah like blossom goodchild with this 14th scams!!! i am not saying she is not sincere do we need we knowlege if we still have duality and war and many peoples on this planet are sticking with their religion and will never change or never want to change soo i don’t believe 2010 will any different than 2009 or this oct 14th mothership Galactic federation of light prediction..soo 2010 ???? peace everyone!!!!
These are the limits of the language. Higher per say, no. But more conscious of their being God. And therefore guiding us…:-)
So we are all God? But there are beings higher than us? how can we be God but be lower than them? Maybe these “beings” are the ” Watchers”
This is the One we have been waiting for. Peace enters this earth and The Ones we are in the heart create a beautifull space to live in. A natural world full of delight and awareness we live to Nurture..