How to Survive 2012/preparing for a new world and Instructions from Mother Earth on How to live in balance with Her as Passed down in Oral history According to Hopi who live near the four corners usa, they are waiting for the return of Pahana who will have a unifying universal message of Peace. further, if Pahana returns from the east, there will be a great peaceful collective awakening during the cleansing, if Pahana returns from the west, there will be catastrophic cleansing before the great awakening lastly, the hopi elders say we still have a choice to decide how the cleansing will occur Music by Kannal kan’nal Holy ground new paradigm 2012 shamanism shift cleansing 2012 mother earth climatic disasterpole shift end time new world new earth hopi prophecy 2012 December Dec 21st 2012 Apocalypse end world Rapture time asteroids Nostradamus native american calentamiento end of world end of the world as we know it end of paradigm new paradigm change Extreme Weather Patterns Maya END OF THE WORLD DOOMS DAY NEW AGE change evoloution shift timewave zero terence mckenna 2012 sightings nostradamus dimensional shift omega dedroidify Mayan Calendar Apocalypse Pinchbeck i ching prophecies prophecy alien ufo illuminati solar radiation Harmonic Convergence Great Shift cosmic cycle Pleiades The Photon belt Great Shift the wave of love red elk Galactic Federation solstice quetzalcoatl Pahana global warming pleiades orion singularity quantum revelations spirituality vision quest … Video Rating: 4 / 5
A pictorial history of the American Native tribes culture.
31 Responses to 2012 Message from Mother earth (1) 2012
Something to see and know that its been here for time immemorial and that it is a place of pride to be part of something that is still not fully acknowledged with mainstream culture. If only….
We are The real americans!
Thanks for sharing!
Saludos from the land of the Inca, MACHU PICCHU PERU!
Visit us, Solstice Tours
great video wow
Something to see and know that its been here for time immemorial and that it is a place of pride to be part of something that is still not fully acknowledged with mainstream culture. If only….
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