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collage of what your ULTIMATE VISION looks like.

Create a vision video, something short with motivating pictures, words and songs that capture what your ULTIMATE VISION looks like for you and then you can watch it every morning like my friend Kelly.

Develop vision statements, sort of like a mission statement, and then write them on sticky notes or signs around your office, car and home.

2. Second, you want to outline specific and timely goals that you want to attain in a specific time period. You can post these on your vision board too, I do. I make up about 8 goals for the year – big, lofty ones like publish my book, hold my first 4 day event, be a speaker at a big annual conference, etc.

I don’t worry about posting all the little details that go with each goal or writing down HOW I plan to accomplish them because that would be too daunting of a task.

o You just want to write enough to throw it out into the Universe what you plan to accomplish.

o Plus, when you write simple, quick goals like this you can actually take them and post them in your office, by your bedside, in your wallet, car or other significant place where they will ALWAYS be on the top of your mind.

o Then of course you have to BELIEVE and have complete FAITH that you WILL attain them. (that’s the hard part)

3. Thirdly, you need to take a look at your environment and your relationships.

o Are they serving you?

o Are you being supported?

o Are you being encouraged (at all times no matter what crazy ideas you come up with)?

o Are you completely and utterly happy? Because if you’re not, what’s the point?

o Take a deep look at your environment, your relationships with loved ones, co-workers and anyone around

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