Part 1 of 3 of my 5v5 arena video, 2k+ rating. Team comp is four elemental shaman (quad box – all played by me), and a discipline priest healing. Starring: Zoobox, Yoobox, Woobox, Qoobox, and Klownz Server: Nathrezim – US PVP
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Part 1 of 3 of my 5v5 arena video, 2k+ rating. Team comp is four elemental shaman (quad box – all played by me), and a discipline priest healing. Starring: Zoobox, Yoobox, Woobox, Qoobox, and Klownz Server: Nathrezim – US PVP
Video Rating: 4 / 5
just subbed. im gonna try this comp but im not gonna multibox im gonna use real meat :O am i guarantied to get to 2k rating =D?
lol at rezing your extra team mate XD
Back in s7 we went against you guys, 2-1 cause first game was lol but yeah. One match was epic took awhile to win but we did ^-^, Insane burst.
Would love to see part 2.
4 shamans 9k crit lava burst 100% crit x 4 = 36k… followed by instant CL
@heyaz9 i faved this video 50% because of your smart ass answers
shaman… shaman… shaman… shaman… priest?wtf a priest???
@heyaz9 lol XD he misunderstood the title
@heyaz9 LMFAO! i love your responses dude haha great vid
hmm might try this comp
Wow that shammy just didnt die!
quad boxers r fags and poons
duct tape works pretty well
how do you connect multiplie pcs? i have 2 but its not working
ya, swimming helps so much in wow
we’re synchronized swimmers in real life
nice vid, how did you guys manage to all do and move the same? with all firing lava burt and so on same time?
Awesome! I need to find me another healer, mine hasnt been on in weeks, so ive just been doing all 5 myself, and ended up moving up a couple hundred rating… Eagerly awaiting the next part, it cuts off right when it was about to get good!
oh dear, you peaple realy think in the 2k+ bracket that 1 preist can carry 4 shamans boxed or otherwise ? fail. a team is a team the reason why boxers are using healers is so they can concentrate all there attention on dps and still have heals so ofcourse all the preist will do is heal and very well i must say but as you could see in the last match the healer died at the start and the boxer held his own.
great vid dude bet that second fight was great fun
/agree with Skrittles… Klownz is good at carrying boxes… so good in fact that UPS should hire him.
@skrittles LMAO LMAO
That priest klownz totally carries you… i have seen his vids
that klownz guy is pro