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Question by Brother Dave: What spiritual Truth is most needed to be taught to all humans?
Is this spiritual Truth now being taught? To whom? If not now, when will it be taught? When will it be lived by a majority of humans on Earth?

Thank you for all sincere answers !

Peace and progress in Spirit and in Truth !
This spiritual Truth must elevate the dignity and sacredness of each and every human being and state the relationship of God to each and to all humans.

Best answer:

Answer by The Doctor
To respect others’ beliefs.

Give your answer to this question below!

15 Responses to What spiritual Truth is most needed to be taught to all humans?

  • Feathered Serpent! says:

    That as soon as you stop taking things seriously all the worlds problems will begin to be solved.

  • El Odio 3.0 says:

    that real answers to life aren’t in holy books

    they are in science books

    and just because science doesn’t have an answer to something…it doesn’t mean that they won’t in the future…be patient…

  • Wes says:

    believe in what you wish, just dont make a religion out of it. its only a way of dividing the human race

  • First NameLaura says:

    true love. Thich Nhat Hahn

  • Molly M says:

    O.K. I am just saying this,” teach Matthew 5 all of it and Matthew 6 All of it. and you have a good start into spiritual truths.
    Humans need Gods guidance because it is not up to Humans to rule themselves.
    So some one with better lighting than me look up those scriptures please, thanks.
    I hate having eyes so old I cannot read my bible any more.

  • Ezekiel says:

    John 3:16 :For God so loved the world (peoples) that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

  • saved says:

    Jesus Is the Truth

    John 14:6
    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


    ST. JOHN 14; 6 !!!



  • adriftfeline SDA-YEC says:

    The three angels’ messages of Revelation.

  • jhk_29621 says:

    Be mindful— sense everything we see, hear, smell, touch, taste, and think. Without fully engage these senses, we are not living full or at the present moment. People THINK that we don’t need to cultivate our senses, for they come so naturally and easily, but we unnoticeable lose ourselves most of the time.

    We are taught too much about believing someone outside of ourselves and seeking for help from outside, yet we possess everything we need already without noticing it. It is like people don’t ever explore their own town at all, yet they want to eagerly explore foreign countries.

    We are taught too much about being kind and compassionate. There is nothing we can do to increase our kindness just being told to do so. Being kind is not just giving materialistic thing, such as money and goods. For a millionaire, donating 10 grand is nothing to him. He can just donate the money without feeling any connection to the people he gives. On the contrary, giving $0.05 from a person who can only afford to eat bread only everyday is tremendous generous. He must feel the connection to the person whom he gives $0.05 to. Kindness is not just the action but thoughts. People are taught to keep giving without understanding the true meaning of giving.

    To be kind has to start from understanding ourselves. When we ADMIT and understand how ignorant and selfish we are, we would begin to be kind to others. If we see ourselves being only-kind and good or perfect without seeing our bad sides at all, chances are we see faults of others. People want to be kind, and they don’t want o admit that they are not kind sometimes. Human denial is one of the greatest hindrance to be kind.

    All I mentioned above have been taught, yet not expanded. I am not sure if it would in the future, because people rather seek something they think more powerful than themselves than open their minds to hear the truth and cultivate themselves by using what we already possess.

  • Geri42 says:

    That God is our Sovereign King. He loves us more than we can imagine. He will forgive all out sins if we ask him to. After we’ve asked forgiveness, and been baptized into Christ, then and only then have we come into a covenant relationship with God.

    This spiritual Truth is being taught in some circles, but not all. It may never be lived by a majority of humans on Earth.

  • Nora Explora says:

    The most needed spiritual truth at this time is that we are all brothers and sisters. We all look to Adam and Eve as our common ancestors, and God the Father as the creator of our spirits. We need to follow all the Holy Prophets in showing love and compassion for one another.

  • Cindy Roo says:

    Do unto others as you would have done unto you! That is probably the best statement ever written.

  • Cowboy says:

    Love is the answer. The time is now. Let go of the rest of the crap.

  • mary ann d says:

    Humanity has entered the era in which we are realizing with better clarity each day that we are globally interconnected and dependent on one another. We are now obligated to achieve together, a mutually beneficial coexistence with one another all around the globe. Up until now all the development we have seen has been based on egoistic desire in man, and it has turned out all the refinements of science and technology, the arts and literature, complex systems of government and society and all the mechanisms of pleasure we see in the world today. Our greatest achievement however is yet to come and it rests on each of us making an inner change within our selves to a new intention that is directed not for selfish gain but for the good of society. This is not something that can be forced on us by a government or military, but by a clear inner desire to do so because otherwise we will not survive the condition of hate which worsens at an exponential rate until we overcome it.

    Humanity must be educated that bestowal and love to others is where we can reveal the best possible fulfilment for each and every person on the planet without stripping away the unique and valuable qualities of their culture and personal tendencies. This is because in the positive giving form of connecting and relating, these are the very qualities that prepare the place of fulfilment in a person through the connection of ‘love of others’. This connection, when it is complete around the world and humanity becomes as one man with one heart in the desire to give, which the true state of love, the Creator and His Light is revealed to each person and to all. Humanity will have to do this soon or we are going to see some drastic consequences while we are out of balance with the laws of nature and the harm we do in the world is the same as harming our self. It is not enough just to know that our goal is to acquire an attitude of bestowal but we must learn how to to get to this and then agree to try and that is the first step on a marvelous journey which is beyond amagination.

    The Bnei Baruch Learning Center teaches for free anyone of any background, religious and non religious who needs to know the meaning and purpose of their life, and who has awakened to the desire for spirituality. Here is the website which will soon be posting information about the fall semester starting September 9 and which offers a wealth of material to look at til the live interactive on-line course begins.

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