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Question by crazychic: What does the tarot card “the tower” mean in dreams???
Someone in my dream did a reading for me and revealed the card: The tower… And i googled it and it says its going to be a negative and shocking change in life 🙁 and in the same dream i saw that im on a tower…very high…what can this mean????
And that card just had a tower drawn on it… i dont know what the actual tarot card tower looks like

Best answer:

Answer by 1×1 pic
the meaning of the tarot card “the tower” that you saw in google might be right. however, there are many ways on how to interpret a card. a single card may have various meaning depending on the atmosphere of the whole spread and the cards close to it. since you only have that card and your dream as your clue, i can’t be certain of this interpretation.

by itself (the tower alone), means that you will be awaken by the truth because you will soon find out that something that you believe for so long is false.

and from your dream, it will be difficult for you to accept the truth and to go on with your life. it will be hard to adjust to that sudden event that may happen, and you will prefer to live your life the way it used to be.

events that may take place may vary. but it usually involve sudden change in a situation. may it be travel(work reassignmennt in a far place, and things like that), foreclosures, divorce, cheating or simply learning something that is hard to accept. they seem to be always seen as something negative but they are usually for the better in the long run.

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3 Responses to Q&A: What does the tarot card “the tower” mean in dreams???

  • drom57 says:

    I believe your tower is a building and it will become a wall between you and God if you do not ask God for help and trust. A tower is not a symbol of strength but of weakness. Anything built with human hands shall fall. The Rock is Christ and he will help you bring down the wall of confusion and its at no cost all you need is ask.

  • Pam R says:


    The Tower itself symbolises our ego, our ability to hide from facts behind our beliefs.

    This may show that you need to reevaluate aspects of your life, so be prepared to throw away, totally an old thought pattern.


  • Intuitive Readings Dot Org says:

    I have dreams, too, where people do tarot readings for me. The tower is usually not a positive symbol. Your dream was trying to prepare you for a sudden, unexpected negative shock. It could be anything, from the loss of a job or home to something worse. If you are on the tower, that is actually the worst, I am afraid, because you will be hit very hard: you don’t see it coming.

    However, all catastrophic events do have positive outcomes, such as personal or spiritual growth or redirection in life.

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