Question by terenceoneill: Is American becoming dominated by the New Age movement?
It seems as if everyone from Oprah to Joel Osteen are preaching core teaching of the New Age movement. Is the country headed in that direction? Is this a good path for us to follow or will it lead to the end of our society?
Best answer:
Answer by Rodney Serling
Not everyone follows what Oprah and Osteen says, I think if America is moving away from the standard Judeo/Christian way of viewing spirituality that could be a good thing.
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The New Age movement as you call it is a H U G E umbrella term for anything that is slightly outside today’s accepted view of the world. Pagans, environmentalists, people on the renaissance fair road…. many many paths.
Is it good for you to follow? Only you can answer that.
The end of our society? Highly unlikely. More likely it will show people how to have better self knowledge, do be more responsible and to care for those around them more.
Walk a path for a while to see if you wish to follow it.
Good luck