Question by Sean F: Where can I find interpretations/symbolism of Mexican Loteria Cards?
Loteria is a mexican card game typically played similiar to bingo. However, instead of letters and numbers, each of the cards has an image. I’m looking to get more information on the meaning of the images. Specifically, I have heard reference of the cards being used in tarot type applications.
Best answer:
Answer by psychic-junkie
The many different tarot decks available will all portray symbolic imagery which must then pass through your psychic senses and, given the context of the questions asked, bring forth a tarot card meaning that significantly answers your question. This should be same for your Mexican cards too.
I believe we are all psychic, but for the majority the gift or the belief has been long knocked out of them. Educated out is another way of looking at it. Many professional psychics have grown up in a psychic friendly environment. Perhaps a grand-parent or parent with the knowledge has helped bring the extra sense out in the open and encouraged its use. But there are as many practicing psychics who have not had the benefit of caring psychic guidance and who have still managed to develop and hone this natural extra sense. The Psychic Sense.
To tap in to it more you can go to my free develop-psychic-ability page here:
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