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Native American Indians on 2012

It’s believed that more than 120 native American Indian tribes speak of what’s believed to be the lost civilization of Atlantis. And it’s not just the backward view in history that’s interesting folklore and legend, but also the going forward view that most have of the anticipated and infamous December 21, 2012 date- or thereabouts. Are we seeing just a copying one of the other or some intrinsic spiritual consciousness? Let’s briefly review a few. 

Here are three such examples.

The Hopi Indians speak of the fact that we’re living in periods that they call SUNS. We are currently living in the fourth Sun which is a highly materialistic one. So far so good on that prophecy. We are currently in a time of “purification” that will lead us into an enlightened Fifth Sun starting 12.21.2012. This period is also called the “Hopi Emergence. Where did they get this stuff anyway?

The Pueblo Indians have a similar tale. Speaking Wind, an elder in the Pueblo tribe, says that 2012 is a transition into a new ear as well. He says that “Everything living will undergo a purge in Dec. of 2012. If mankind will not willingly let go of the illusions and lies, they will be stripped away at this time. The only difference her is that he has the date two days later, 12.23.2012.

The Seneca Indians have an even wilder shaman of sorts who went by the name of Moses Shongo (he died in 1925). He foresaw a 25 year period of purification beginning in 1987 (the Harmonic Convergence year) and ending in 2012 of course. The earth would basically purge itself of it’s misconceptions and step into an enlightened state.

So, where did all of these ideas come from?

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