Question by ‘llysa: Where should I open the best metaphysical store ever?
What town, city, or rural shack do you feel is the greatest place to establish an experentially soul-nourishing business?
I’m not asking whether one believes in the merchandise sold in a metaphysical store. I’m asking where does one think such a store would be well-located.
Large cities are good, but I’m also looking for “small towns” too… any suggestions? 😉
If I find Atlantis, I sure ain’t telling anyone, ’cause I’m taking all the credit if I have to do all the work. 😉
Yes, I’ve seen arrogance, I agree. And thanks for the suggestions on location, lol. 😉
Hi Crave:
I will be selling lots of different things, but not just “things”… I will be selling what I call “experential substance”. All products are hand-made, and there will be many other “activities” (meditation rooms for example) that can be experienced. And thanks for the kind words and suggestions… 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by gjmb1960
What do you think? Answer below!
Atlantis would be the place to end all places for a metaphysical store, see if you can find it?
LA. They will buy any kind of trendy BS you can force on them…
San Francisco.
New York or SF. They’ll take in everything.
i would try belfast now the peace is here.
Iran needs you.
California, Houston, maybe Austin, Seattle/Tacoma area, big cities in FL, are all the culturally diverse places. The thing is location, location, location and using good common sense… I’ve watched a shop open, the owner was arrogant, wouldn’t listen to people trying to tell her she had to have more variety, she didn’t listen and wound up closed around a year later, if that. So carry things that appeal to a wide variety of visitors, like Buddhists, Shamans, Hindus, Taoism, Wicca, clothes, ritual items, runes, tarot, herbs, gems/stones, music, etc. and you’ll have a better shot at success.
new york
How about Seoul?
in hell
I think the world has enough new age ,alternative ,occult stuff.
I think its a great idea,and i hope you consider selling items for different Pagan paths as well.Watch putting it in rural areas because most i know of closed due to intolerance and not lack of business.The city is your best shot or maybe a large town.Here in Lancaster, Ohio we had three.But two lost the battle with christians who pressured their Landlords.I hope yours has better luck,and grows well.Blessings!!!!!!