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Question by Sarah: Why do Christians believe all pagans are satanic?
I am a Wiccan but honestly i am tired of being called satanic. Satan is a CHRISTIAN creation, why would a PAGAN believe in something CHRISTIANS made up??????

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Spirituality is the real art of living.

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4 Responses to Why do Christians believe all pagans are satanic?

  • Tahlia says:

    I think there was some propaganda back when witch burnings were common that we worship Satan (He was pictured with horns back then, and we have the Horned God… you see where this is coming in?)
    It just remained a belief, I guess. 🙁

  • Cosimo )O( says:

    Because they have been indoctrinated to believe the propaganda that’s been put about by the church for so long that most people have forgotten the truth. So most of them can’t help it. They’re ignorant and they don’t want to consider the possibility that they might have been lied to. It’s blind faith.

    Obligatory disclaimer – yes, I know there are some exceptions.

  • Max K says:

    In Wicca, there is no Holy Book, no written doctrine, no divine law. The only two ‘laws’ that are traditionally Wiccan, and are considered to be those ideals by which we try to live, are : 1. An it harm none, do what thou wilt. 2. What thou wilt do, will come back three times. What this means, pure and simple, is that there are no “sins,” such as sexual do’s and don’ts, profanity, etc., AS LONG AS YOU STRIVE FOR AND AS MUCH AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE, ATTEMPT TO BRING HARM ON NO ONE!!! Ironically, the Church of Satan professes the same beliefs. In fact, one of the leading members of the Church of Satan alleged that America is an absolute “Satanic nation” because of the extent of our freedoms. Nowhere in the world can people get away with as much as Americans do. Church of Satanists define Satanism as being able to do anything a person wants to do (just so long as no one is getting hurt). The Church of Satan openly professes their belief and allegiance to Satan. On the other hand, Wiccans deny Satan. Wiccans vehemently deny the existence of a devil. They attribute the term “Satan” as being the sole invention of Christians. Wiccans claim to follow the god of light. Interestingly, “Lucifer” means just that…bearer of light. 2nd Corinthians 11:14 warns us that Satan appears as the “light.” Howbeit, BOTH Wiccans and Satanists profess the same lack of absolutes within their religions. The Word of God is a Book of ABSOLUTES! God is absolute and unchangeable (Malachi 3:6). Wiccans are greatly angered over the FACT that the Word of God is absolute, whereas they have no absolutes! The Bible is our FINAL AUTHORITY! The Biblical concepts of sin, evil, wickedness, judgment, and redemption are NOT recognized by the Wiccan religion. Wiccans profess belief in “Karma” (the effects of a person’s actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation). Wiccans believe in reincarnation. I recently received an e-mail from an angry Wiccan woman (a witch). She bomblasted me for saying that Wiccans don’t have a means of forgiveness within their religion. She specified that she believed in the “karma,” that the life she lives here on earth will determine her happiness in her reincarnated body. She said I had no right to make a moral judgment upon her religion. The problem is that Wiccans don’t see their wrong doing as “sin.” In fact, Wicca is perfectly acceptant of many practices which the Word of God declares an “abomination unto God.” One such evil practice is homosexuality. Occult doctrines such as Yin-Yang are extremely popular with the homosexual community because of the fact that there are NO absolutes. The TRUTH is that there is no way for Wiccans to deal with sin…because they don’t acknowledge their sins as being sinful in the first place. Since the Witches don’t believe in sin, their entire moral conscience is obliterated (and their minds corrupted). The result is that many sinful activities which are condemned in God’s Word are openly practiced by witches…such as sexual immorality during their occult rituals… We conceive of the Creative Power in the Universe as manifesting through polarity – as masculine and feminine – and that this same creative Power lives in all people, and functions through interaction of the masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive of the other. We value sexuality as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of Life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magickal practice and religious worship. -Principles of Wiccan Belief, Article IV (1974) The Word of God presents us with the law, which condemns us, and then points us to Christ for salvation (Galatians 3:24, “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith”). Since the Wiccans don’t recognize God’s law (and have no written law of there own), they have no yardstick by which to measure themselves. How does a witch recognize sin without the measuring stick of God’s law? They cannot! So for a witch to tell me that she is morally obligated to live right for the sake of Karma (her future reincarnate life) is no morality at all. As I mentioned earlier, Wiccans are openly acceptant of sexual sins which are Biblically prohibited. You can’t just decide for yourself what is right and wrong. The whole reason why God gave us the Old Testament Law was to give us the KNOWLEDGE OF SIN (Romans 3:20, “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin”). The Apostle Paul said in Romans 7:13 that the Law made his sins EXCEEDING SINFUL! Wiccans have no knowledge of sin because they deliberately reject Christ and His Eternal Word. Some Wiccans accuse Christians of trying to “scare” people with the Bible. The truth is that the Word of God is an extremely frightening Book to those who would dare reject and disobey it’s COMMANDS. Acts 17:30 reads , “…but now commandeth all men every where to rep

  • MSB says:

    They believe in Satan, they don’t believe Satan is made up, they believe religions like ours came from Satan.

    They are entitled to their beliefs. Why worry about it? Really, who cares?

    No matter what you believe, someone is going to disagree with you or misunderstand it. Christians get that, too. Everyone does.

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