Question by xxDaemonGirlxx: What is the difference between a Spiritual Atheist and an Agnostic?
I have heard “spiritual atheist” mentioned on this site multiple times and it sounds a lot like Agnosticism. Is there a difference or are they synonymous?
Best answer:
Answer by humanistheart
Good q, they’re very similar.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
A spiritual atheist is an atheist (a person who does not believe in god(s)) who also happens to be spiritual. The term is in contradistinction to “materialist atheist,” an atheist who sees no need for religion or spirituality.
An agnostic is someone who believes that humanity does not have sufficient knowledge to make a judgment about the existence of god(s).
The terms “spritual atheist” and “agnostic” are not synonyms.
Spiritual doesn’t have to associate with God only. It could also mean you believe in the supernatural(ghosts, spirits etc.) or other things like karma for example which have nothing to do with God.
There is no such thing as a spiritual atheist.
If you heard it in this section…. then a Christian probably said that…
and christians are mentally retarded so…
Bottom line: Anyone who thinks there is such a thing as a ” spiritual atheist” is a dumb fucking retard.
Atheists are not spiritual… retarded Christians perceive themselves to be.
They’re completely different terms. They’re not mutually exclusive, but they sure aren’t synonyms.
An agnostic is somebody who makes the positive assertion that the existence of God can’t and can never be proven nor disproven. That is how Huxley defined it when he coined the term in the 19th century. It does NOT mean somebody who is undecided on the issue.
A “spiritual atheist” is somebody who considers themselves spiritual and holds some personal concept of spirituality, while at the same time does not believe in the existence of deity. An atheist is somebody who holds no belief in deity. They may or may not additionally be agnostic; the two terms are not mutually exclusive. To be “spiritual” means that you practice some form of “spirituality” in your life.
And AwakenToThePain is simply wrong. There are indeed a number of atheists here who additionally identify as “spiritual”.
I would guess a spiritual atheist is someone whome believes in spirits, and an agnostic is someone who is basically undecided whether they believe in a God or not.
SPIRITUALISM is in direct opposition to AGNOSTIC…..One does not support the order…..There is no way to be spiritually sound unless you recognize an all powerful BEING, in which being AGNOSTIC does not recognize…..A PLAY on WORDS if you ask ME…..