Why do Christians use the trappings of a pagan festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus when the Bible commands believers to avoid such things? Song: “Christmas Alphabet” sung by Dickie Valentine
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This guy dressed like Jesus did a weird interpretation of Dar Williams song “The Christians and the Pagans”. Not only did he miss the point of the song but he took it to all sorts of levels of creepy when he decided to do his own take on it. Called “The Wiccans and The Pagans”. So i did what I know how to do best. I brought in special guest NUNXMONKEY or Sister Shamrock whatever you would like to call her and she did her own take on what she thought of the JESUS loving Hippie!! Hope you enjoy
I hated how he bastardized that beautiful song. thank you for the parody 🙂
omfg….really scary 0.O
That was unexpected hehe lol; but still hilarious!