What is Tantric Sex?
Tantric sex has many names in today’s culture: spiritual sex, sacred sexuality, spiritual union, and others. However, a common denominator in all these names is that they all relate to some level of spirituality.
Tantric sex is indeed related to your spiritual well-being because even though you are engaging in the sexual act, the purpose is not really to reach orgasm but to unite with your lover in ALL possible aspects. To put it simply, tantra lovemaking is not about intercourse per se, it’s about uniting or fusing together your bodies, and in the process connect with your partner in mind, body and spirit.
Tantric Sex History
Tantric sex has its roots in India some 4,000 years ago, where it was viewed as – what else – a spiritual tradition. It started to be known in the West in the early 1800s but it never really had a tremendously huge following.
However, in the late 1960s, a rebirth of the practice was reaching new heights in India and this led to its consequent re-emergence in Western culture. Today, tantric sex awakening is reaching an all-time high because you now also have such high profile couples advocating the benefits of tantric sex. For instance, when Sting mentioned on Oprah that he and his wife Trudie engage in tantric sex, which enable them to experience ‘five or six or seven hours of lovemaking’, the whole world wanted to find out what tantric sex is all about!
As mentioned, tantric sex is not just about ‘sex’, it involves many things: tantric breathing, tantric sexual massage, creating a scared tantric place, meditation, prolonging sexual intercourse, and even tantric after play. All of these have a special purpose in tantric