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where is the interpreter?
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  • Jamus955i says:

    @JeremyPaganProduct The Roman Catholic Church doesn’t even believe in Creation, the Pope accepts evolution Jeremy.

  • Jamus955i says:

    @hector012672 It states clearly in the original Greek that Messiah Rose early (could be translated as exceedingly early) on the one/first of the Sabbaths.
    There is no mention of Sunday.

  • TheGOCChurch144 says:

    @ColdmanIV the original Egyptians come from Ham’s son Mizriam…he was not multi-cultural…but what one would call “Nubbian”. The other races came in egypt after Alexander the greek around the 4th Century B.C. Later, Arabs migrated into Egypt with the Islamic conquests on Africa… because it’s muticultural the unlearned believe an egyptian is the people you see within their borders today. The original is Nubian…Moses and the Israelites passed for Nubians.

  • ColdmanIV says:

    @TheGOCChurch144 Could you point me to a resource that the Ancient Egyptian Civilazation was 100% black. I’m confused by your terms.are you referring to the color of their skin or ethnicity..because they would be Egyptian..

  • jamjr1972 says:

    the church is in the hearts of the believers!

  • whitadow says:

    @lonniewalker1987 I’m not Christian and you’re wrong. You must have gotten really pissed of by a small group of Christians and blindly accepted that as your world view.

  • erickadw1 says:

    WOW!!!!!!!! There goes Santa! If you rearrange the word Santa you get SATAN! Look:


    OMG!!!!! Thank you for bringing the truth!

  • JeremyPaganProduct says:

    How can you call that Catholic Church a whore? The reason why you have faith in chrisrt or even a bible is because the Catholic Church put that together for you. You attack the Catholic Church but all of it’s Doctrain, even its creation is marked in that bible that you have. How can you judge a Catholic person or church anyway what gives you the right to judge. If you dont agree with me you are still to love me are you not? why dont you take that needle out of your eye and then talk about us?

  • emanxavier says:

    By your last question asking for an interperter tellS me that you don’t have a
    Tanakah / Torah, nor do you have a Concordance, because if you did you would know that in Exodus 3:14 of the first five books of Moses, it is written clearly there
    for any elementary school student to READ! Research before you comment !

  • emanxavier says:

    Hebrew for the Most High’s Name as told in Exodus 3:14
    or Just Google: Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
    You should know this by now !

  • takennya says:

    @hector012672 What’s yoour religion?

  • hector012672 says:

    @MrObamaHATESwhites Hate is a powerfull word. I worship God everyday not only once a week.

  • hector012672 says:

    @TheGOCChurch144 No. because i worship him everyday not just only one specific day. God gives us 365 days of the year, 24/7 and we suppose to give him only a couple of hours. he deserves more than that. Sunday service is to get us started for the week in our earthly lifes. I have been doing research and true if found out he didn’t rose on Sunday like i was taught. doesn’t mean i am going to change the Temple i go to worship.

  • hector012672 says:

    @ABBAdaughter Question? do you get drunk, smoke, fornicate or tell lies? if you answer yes to any of these what makes you better. one other question only if your married: do you dance with someone other than your spouse?

  • hector012672 says:

    @emanxavier english please

  • hector012672 says:


  • hector012672 says:

    @rtisleo i can’t say the white man is the devil because the devil can not create only God can. the God i worship created man in his own image. all men not only one specific group. God is our heavenly father yours and mine.

  • TheAlephMale says:

    culture thieves!!!!!

  • MrObamaHATESwhites says:

    No, WRONG !

    We don’t worship on sunday (maybe you do), but rather on DAY 7 as mentioned in creation week. WHY? it’s the sabbath, the day of rest.

    Shit the 4th commandment even says REMEMBER the sabath.
    As in don’t forget it’s on Saturday.

    Jesus was crucified on friday. The romans took down the bodies because they didn’t want them hanging on the sabbath.

  • emanxavier says:


  • negruvalea says:

    You go brother!….

  • 1980vince says:

    do you beileve contantine is a realiable person for you to beileve because he wrote it or changed it to his benefit.

  • rtisleo says:

    ((( The white man is the dEVIL))) he tampers with everything and causes pain and misery everywhere that he invades and plunders. His time is running out and he knows it.

  • 1965ace says:

    @TheGOCChurch144 Its my understanding he did rise on the Sabbath at the 9th hour.

  • 1965ace says:

    @hector012672 Matt 12:40For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. HE DID NOT RISE ON SUNDAY

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