Question by Lost Dude: Should teenagers take Magic Pills to stop or decrease their sex drive?
As a fellow teenager myself, I am doing everything I can within my power and mental capacity to think of constructive, creative, bonified but yet practical solutions to help solve the problem of sexual activity among lost and wayward teenagers. Hence, I believe that Pharmaceutical Companies should begin undertaking a tedious, controversial, but yet very rewarding task in inventing a pill that would decrease teenage sex drive. This pill would be like Viagra or Levitra but instead would have the opposite effects. It would be able to be taken with any kind of food or drink and would even have the enhanced capability of being crushed into power; which would come in handy for the teenager’s parents to slip into their drinks in the event of refusal. In addition, this new and revolutionary magic pill would benefit society and motivate teenagers to contribute to it more in more productive and contributory ways; economically, financially, and socially.
So, Should Pharmaceutical Companies invent a pill that decreases Teenage Sex Drive?
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Answer by A Z
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lets just show them
hell no. it’s a part of life. that’s a terrible idea.
I would like that actually, my little(not so little) idiot friend kids me into sooo many odd predicaments.
coming from an ex-manwhore I don’t think that teens should be having sex. So they are gonna hate me for sayin this but yeah I wouldn’t be apposed to that
OR….you can just save the money by asking parents to be parents. Making teens take a pill to stop sex is just absurd. Kids are going to have sex. I don’t like it, but it would just easier for parents to step up and take responsibility on educating their teens AND controlling them.
The type of kid that would have sex at a young age in the first place wouldn’t be the type of kid to go out of their way to take a pill on occasion. They most likely wouldn’t want their sex drive to disappear. Plus, taking drugs just for that may encourage them to take drugs for any kind of feeling they encounter.
I myself believe that any way to decrease the increasing number of teens having sex is great, but I just don’t think pills are the answer.
i wish your dad took one
No,teenagers should learn to swallow that pill called “common sense”,and apply it as needed
Yes! The rate of teen pregnancy is insane! STD rate is increasing dramaticly also! A teen should not need to raise a child while in school!
i think it would be nice for future generations to come, for all ages, because the world has become very overpopulated…. or if not a drug to decrease sex drive, one that will render the user infertile.
Yeah! They’re the ones that are all getting prego! They’re not responsible enough to handle sex.
I believe it is illegal to ‘drug’ anyone, what ever their age. We all expect our parents to care for us and guide us the right way but they should not be allowed to ‘drug’ you while you’re unaware of what is happening. Teenagers make mistakes. The morning after pill, the implant and condoms are just a few ways to help teenagers, and the rest of us stop getting unexpected and unplanned pregnancies.
We all learn by our own mistakes!!
Noooo. Yeah it would stop some problems for a second. And what teen would take that willingly. That means that all parents would have to find some way to sneak that magic pill into their bodies. Then they would have to advertise the pill so teens would know about it and be supicious of everything they put in their mouth. I just don’t think its a good idea. We have to learn that if you’re old enough to have sex you’re old enough to have a baby.
That is a very interesting idea.
However it is unethical to sneak drugs into other people’s food and beverages against their will.
I believe it is also illegal.
It probably wouldn’t be available for free, and who would want to pay for a decreased sex drive? The teenagers that are sexually active are so because they find it fun, and why would they be inclined to get rid of that fun?
I’m not trying to poke holes in your idea, I actually like it, believe it or not, but in order for me to maintain a morally correct mind set, I have a certain responsibility to point out the downsides.
Also, sex is a very natural activity, and societal science has already been pumping people up with drugs much too much as it is. So suggesting more drugs for things that can be controlled without them is kind of a bad idea. Again I agree with your suggestion, but would the side effects of this Magic Pill be worth it?
It sounds like a good idea, but messing with the bodies natural hormones sounds risky. I mean, drugs that could do that could also possibly have the effect of making someone sterile. We should just learn to control ourselves.
Yes, it is a good idea. It will lower teen sex rates