by spratmackrel
Following Jesus- Not Just A Myth
Myths are what our early and primitive world was built upon. Myths are primarily folklore or legends that a particular culture believes to be true and that often use the supernatural to interpret natural events and to explain the nature of the universe and humanity. I am not disturbed when similarities between pagan gods and Creator-Consciousness are mentioned. I embrace the ONE GOD, and I am a follower of Jesus, who became the Christos.
I am not a follower of:
>The Anointed One who was born December 25 to a virgin.
>The Lamb of God whose birth was in a manger, announced by a star in the east.
>The Good Shepherd whose birth was attested to by three wise men.
>The Teacher who was baptized at age 30.
>The Miracle Worker who performed miracles, walked on water, and raised the dead.
>The Fisher-Savior who had twelve disciples and was transfigured on the mount
You see, those six descriptions come from the many ancient Mystery schools and speak of an Egyptian deity that lived THOUSANDS of years before Jesus. His name was HORUS and he had a human body with the head of a falcon. I could list many more similarities (dozens); however, one of the most interesting is Horus was also called the Krst (pronounced Christ). 🙂
Many Christians get defensive when it’s mentioned that Jesus was NOT born on December 25th or that the date is a pagan holiday. Why?
Many ancient deities have December 25th as their birth date. Jesus isn’t alone in this nor do I believe Jesus was born on December 25th. The date has special
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