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A Midsummer Wicca Sabbat

Celebrating the Sabbats is extremely important for any Witch. It is important to “recharge” your Magick batteries throughout the year, and that is one of the purposes for Sabbats. Sabbats are a time to relax and take a break from your Magick work.

Your energy can be depleted throughout the year, and you need to relax. Eat good food, spend time with friends, and enjoy all that life has to offer. Don’t focus on spells – but focus on celebrating nature, the Goddess, and the Sabbat on hand…

Here is a simple way to celebrate the Midsummer Sabbat – as an example…

Call upon the God and Goddess to come into your circle, bringing with them the blessings of Divine Spirit.

Take the time now to connect with the God and Goddess. Contemplate on the meanings that Midsummer holds. It is a time for love, healing, protection, and purification. It is a time for the Earth to ripen from the seeds first sewn and coming to life past the energies of Spring. See these life forms growing. Send your blessings to their form, as though an unborn child about to burst forth from the womb.

Take time to think about the full season, the blossoming of the Earth energies, and the power that we receive from our connection to her. Contemplate the joys and blessings of your own life, and share it with her. Send the love and warmth that you feel into the ground beneath your body.

When you are done communing with the energy of the Earth Mother, and sharing her blessings and yours, then thank her for her patience in your growth. Send to her the love that you feel as her caretaker. Ask her if there is anything that you can do for her during this coming season that will offer enrichment to her existence. Listen

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