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meaning too is very widespread and deep. This Mantra has many meanings and its influence varies from person to person because of their varied psyche. It has the power to concentrate the visible/high/low via mysterious nerve fibres. When a man of apt spiritual credentials correctly chants the Gayatri Mantra knowing fully well its deep import and meaning and by concentrating his heart and mind, he establishes a bond with the great consciousness hidden in the visible sun. Such a person may chant the Gayatri Mantra anywhere, yet there is a cosmic spiritual influence on him self and his surroundings. This very influence is a great spiritual blessing. As a result our ancestors have eulogized the Gayatri Mantra for its extraordinary power.

In this manner we have with us the valuable opinion of innumerable great men of the present century. On delving deep into these opinions, we are forced to conclude that Gayatri worship is not some blind faith or tradition but behind it is the potent power of perceptible principles that advances our soul. All those who have endeavored to imbibe this great Gayatri Power have benefited in the truest sense of the term. Gayatri worship never goes in vain.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya: founder of the International Gayatri Family: was a great Yogi: seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e-books visit: (GOOGLE PR 4) and (Google 5) KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books biography Guru world peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Future Scientific Religion: Gayatri Science & Kundalini Yoga correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for 1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world.

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