Question by Dances with Kali: A question for Shamans; How do you teach a tornado to swallow it tail?
There is much energy in this, energy that doesn’t change but becomes more clear, more blissful.
Who dares to get this close to a tornado, most would shy away and parrot. Thank you to those that are daring. ; )
This vortex of wind,
energy unleashed,
this spiral of energy,
whispers the answer,
before words,
listen to it,
with heart,
those that listen,
with ears only,
are ripped to pieces
Best answer:
Answer by Just Go Look It Up
Focus your airbending chi to produce a horizontal-axis cyclone, then collide it with the aformentioned tornado to try to distort it into a torus.
For advanced shamans, I suggest focusing your chi to bend space-time to produce a Schwartzchild anomaly connecting the base and top of the tornado.
Wear the Robe of Serenity for a +5 kundalini stat bonus.
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You need to use the energy of the shadow horse, think of the calm, quiet nature of it. Then imagine the serpent as it devours its tail, and the tornado too should follow your calming spirit. Think of the call of the hawk and the rush of the ocean, and may you always catch your inner spirit. So go my fellow shaman and let your spirit guide you to the realm of habuudo.
Well, first you have to get it to turn around and notice the tail…
Talk to It…tell It a story of the Eternal Circle….if it Believes….It will do as you say…swallow its tail and evolve into an Eternal Circle of Energy….However, I am thinking of this as symbolic as in personal relationships or Turmoils in Life….The Tornado is Mother Nature’s Lesson to us about the devastation that can occur when extreme turmoil and conflict go unchecked.