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A Spell for Reuniting With a Lost Love

Many people go through life heart broken over a lost love. They feel like if they were just given a second chance things could be different. In this article you will learn a spell that could help give you that chance.

Reuniting with Lost Love Spell


2 pink candles

1 white candle

Sandalwood incense

Opium incense

Chili powder

Sea salt

2 sheets of paper

A pen

Vanilla extract

Small glass

1/2 c. water

Ritual knife

Photo of lost love

Red altar cloth

A stone of any kind (clean)

A small bell

Holy book of any kind


Lay the cloth across your altar (or a small table). Ring the bell three times as you open the holy book to any page. Fill the glass with the water and set it on the altar near where your left hand will be resting. Arrange the stone, candles and incense around within reach. Lay out the pen and paper where you will be able to write with them. Place the spices near your right hand.

Close your easy and imagine specific physical details about the person you are trying to reunite with. Breathe slowly and imagine that you are at the bottom of a large staircase with one hundred numbered steps. With every breath you take, imagine you are going up one step. With every fictional step you make, imagine one specific detail about that person (physical or otherwise). If there aren’t one hundred things you can think of, switch over to memories of the two of you together or how they made you feel.

Open your eyes and light

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