A Surprising New World Order is About to Start
A Surprising New World Order is about to start.
Our world will soon (as in years rather than decades), be facing a global crisis which will herald its end.
The Bible as a Guide
The people behind this article:
We take the Bible as our only rule. After having devoted considerable time to its study, especially chapters referring to our future, we have realized that we must share with you what we have learned. This knowledge is of utmost importance.
Why do you take the Bible so seriously?
Because we discovered how accurate it is – so accurate, that even predictions made thousands of years earlier occurred in the very day foretold, to the very letter. This
has compelled us to conclude that there is an all-knowing God behind the Bible, who is not bound by time and knows the end from the beginning.
We would not have taken the Bible so seriously if God had not demonstrated such complete control and knowledge of the future. This mastery is revealed
most clearly in two books:Daniel in the Old Testament and The Revelation in the New
Fulfilled Bible Prophecies
An example of a fulfilled prediction
In the book of Daniel, chapter 2, God outlined in a dream to the Babylonian king that from his time until the end of time, the world would witness only four world empires. History has proved what God pre-ordained. The four world empires were:
Babylon (605 BC-538 BC),
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