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Protestants is an homage hey pay, inspite of themselves, to the authority of the (Catholic) Church.” Plain Talk About the Protestantism of Today, by Monsignor Segur, p. 213. “Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act… a mark of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters.” Office of Cardinal Gibbons, through Chancellor C. F. Thomas, Nov. 11, 1895. From the overwhelming weight of evidence, we can decisively

conclude that the beast of Revelation 13 & 14 is the Roman Catholic Church, and that its mark (the mark of the beast) is Sunday observance.

Why is this mark so important? Only by signing is a document authenticated. Government declarations must always bear an official mark or seal. An official seal

or signature must include three features:

1. The name of the official

2. The title of the official

3. The territory or domain of his authority

Looking to the Almighty Creator, we realize that He has a Heavenly Kingdom. and the document containing the law of His Kingdom is The Ten Commandments. Looking directly in the midst of them you will find the seal of the living God! “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea…” Exodus 20:11.

Notice the three distinct features:

1. Name: THE LORD ( “I am the Lord: that is my name.” Isaiah 42:8.) 2. Title: REATOR (“the LORD made”) 3. Territory: HEAVEN AND EARTH (“Heaven and earth”) Clearly, the seal of the Creator is found in the Sabbath commandment of His law.

Identifying the Image of the Beast

To be able to identify the image of the beast, we need first to identify the two-horned beast that helps

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