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Catechism of the Catholic

Church, popular and definitive edition, 2000, par 2188.

Most of the Protestant leaders in the USA are ready to bury the hatchet with the

Catholics: “Heads of American Protestant and Eastern Orthodox churches who were

meeting with Pope John Paul II on Friday hailed their first broadly representative discussion as a landmark on the road to greater unity…” The Montgomery Advertiser,

Sept. 12, 1987.

Billy Graham:

“I’ve found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman Catholics.” McCall’s, January 1978.

Paul Crouch: “I’m eradicating the word Protestant even out of my vocabulary…I’m not protesting anything… “Praise the Lord” program, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Oct 17, 1989.

David Wells: “If Catholicism is to become more Catholic in the future, which is what I expect under the present pope, then theological differences will become sharper, but our alliances with Catholics against the secular culture can become deeper. I, for one, am ready for the trade-off.” Eternity Magazine, Sept. 1987.

Avoiding the Mark of the Beast

How then can we avoid receiving the mark of the beast?

This is the most important question. God, in His infinite love, has warned us not to worship the beast and thereby receive his mark. Those receiving the mark of the beast “shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture

[without mercy] into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone… who worship the beast [honor papacy through Sunday observance] and his image

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