Medo-Persia (538 BC-331 BC),
Greece (331 BC-168 BC), and
Rome (168 BC-476 AD).
He further revealed that Rome would be split into ten territories and that in the time of these territories the end will come. History is proving the accuracy of God’s word: Rome was divided into ten nations from which present-day Europe has emerged.
See Daniel 7 & 8.
The purpose of the Bible prophecies
It is to warn us about future crises in order to save us:
e.g. God warned Noah of the coming flood. People had to obey the warning in faith.
A Most Fearful and Solemn Warning
The most solemn prophetic warning is yet to be fulfilled. Today, there is nothing more
important for us to understand than this prophecy because events are taking place in rapid
succession indicating its imminent fulfillment.
Please read Revelation 14:9-12.
The fearful warning in the above passage describes two groups of people.
The first group is heading to receive the mark of the beast; while the second group is viewed positively as keeping the commandments of God. Furthermore, the description of
the second coming of Christ directly follows this warning. Therefore, we know that this is
the last warning given before the second coming of Christ.
How to avoid worshipping the beast and his image and receiving his mark
To know this, we need to identify the beast, the image of the beast, and the mark of the beast. It is only reasonable to assume that God would not warn us about such dangerous entities without helping us to
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