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[USA enforcing Sunday observance], and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Rev. 14:10, 11.

These are very solemn words from God. His wrath is in proportion to the offense. By honoring Sunday, originated by Satan through the papacy, one prepares to receive the mark of the beast.

What about the billions of Christians in the past who honored Sunday instead of Saturday – did they unknowingly receive the mark of the beast? And what about the Christians today who sincerely think Sunday is the Bible Sabbath?

None are accountable for their errors since the light has not been brought to them; for the Lord “winks” at our times of ignorance. See Acts 17:30. We are only judged by the

light we had the opportunity to receive. But, when the universal Sunday law is enforced, the issue will be clear before all, and then whoever shall transgress the command of God to obey a precept which has no higher authority than that of Rome, will receive the mark of the beast. Soon each person will face this test with eternal stakes, to keep the mmandments of God or of the papacy. Where will you be found standing?

No Room for Neutrality

Why care?

God’s solemn warning in Revelation 14 leaves no room for indifference. Jesus said, “He that is not with me is against me.” Luke 11:23. God counts all men as decidedly for the truth or against it. This warning is no respecter of person, class, condition, or religion. It is addressed to all humanity. It is not necessary for us deliberately to choose the kingdom

of darkness in order to come under its dominion. We have only to neglect to ally urselves

with the kingdom of light.

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