identify them in a conclusive way.
Identifying the Beast
Bible Description of This Beast
Please read Revelation 13: 1-8, 16-18.
The above passage is full of symbols. How to understand it?
We need to allow the Bible to interpret its own symbols. We should expect that God, for our benefit, would reveal within the Bible the meaning of these symbols. The Bible defines its own symbols;
e.g. the book of Revelation contains 404 verses of which 278 are found almost
word for word in other books in the Bible, where their meaning is expounded.
Which symbols do we need to unlock to identify the beast and his mark?
The necessary ones are: ‘beast’, ‘dragon’, ‘sea’, ‘forty-two months’, and ‘blasphemy’.
Beast: In Bible prophecy, a beast is a symbol of a king or kingdom: See Daniel 7:17, 23.
With this beast, we are studying a unique kingdom, for it is not only a political power but a religious one as well, because people ‘worshipped the beast’.
Dragon: According to the Bible, the dragon is another name for Satan, the father of lies and deceptions. When Satan gives “his power, and his seat, and great authority” to the beast, we can expect the beast to behave in the same deceptive ways of Satan. Thus, a great deal of deception will be found in the affairs of the beast. Rev. 12:9; 13:2.
Sea: In Bible prophecy, sea is symbol of a multitude of many different people. Rev.17:15. Accordingly, this unique kingdom or power rose out of the sea, signifying that it came out of a location that was densely populated with different nationalities of people.
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