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Join me and Rev. Kevin Baird as we head out on our road trip across the country. Our first stop is at Sticks and Stones, a metaphysical shop located in Fairfax, VA. If you are in the Washington DC Metro area, you can visit the shop in person, located at: 9970 Main Street Fairfax, VA 22031 The also do mail order and you can call and inquire at : 703-352-2343 or ticks and Stones on the Web at:

25 Responses to A Trip to Sticks and Stones with Bob and Kevin

  • TheYouSubscriber says:

    You’re welcome Bro

  • spiritchannel says:

    @TheYouSubscriber Well, it’s funny about this hair, as I never actually planned it….I went to a hair shop, and they started chopping away and I ended up with this style! LOL.I might do it again this sumnmer as it is really cool. Thanks for your comments. 🙂


  • TheYouSubscriber says:

    omg youre hair looks so hot!!

  • VideoChannel08 says:

    Your trips always look soo fun 😀

    Its great you are having such a good time. Bless you 🙂

  • nnuzzini123 says:

    Great Video Bob, if you and Kevin are anywhere near Tampa Florida, I would love to have you both over for tea : ) and a nice visit! Thanks for the tour, have a safe and happy trip!
    Blessings always,

  • spiritchannel says:

    How about you adopt me as your brother and you can use that card to buy my adoption celebration gift!?!?!? 😉


  • spiritchannel says:

    YouTube meetup sounds fun!!! Also–I have always wanted to visit Bodhi Tree ever since I read about it in Shirley MacLaine’s book “Out on a Limb”!!!

  • spiritchannel says:

    It’s a cool place!!!!!!!!!


  • CharUSAIdaho says:

    Thanks Bobby have fun on the triip look forward to see where your headed.


  • spiritchannel says:

    Cheers! So good to hear from you.



  • spiritchannel says:

    You are welcome. It is a GREAT place. 🙂



  • spiritchannel says:

    Hi Joe!! Thanks! So good to hear from you.



  • maycm says:

    very cool guys – just my kind of store…need to check that out when I am next in town!

  • LisaLeeLa says:

    Coming to Los Angeles? Let me know! “Youtube meetup”! 🙂

    I also recommend “Bodhi Tree” on Melrose ave in West Hollywood CA if you’re here. Beautiful store.

  • ShoryoTombo says:

    You guys are great! I took a peek of their website and now polishing my credit card….lol Love their stuff.
    If you are ever down in South West Florida, please let me know. I would love to take you to Om Gaia and you will fall in love with the place!
    Blessed Be and thank you for the tour!

  • SoCalLatina89 says:

    haha Bob! I love your enthusiasm! “Two psychic dudes!” lol! You rock Bob!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  • boony68 says:

    I’ll definatly check them out….Thanks.

  • Mysticblue1212 says:

    If you are coming to the Phoenix AZ area, I can recomend a few places.

  • spiritchannel says:

    It will be on the last weekend of the month. I’ve been travelling and doing alot of special appearances, so I have been behind on producing new radio shows. Thank you for your kind support. 🙂


  • ProdigyRd says:

    yea its Perth Amboy, New Jersey (btw) in the middlesex county!

    spritis? hopefully lol our middle school is supposed to be haunted 😛

    btw!!!!!!! whens your next LIVE show!?
    youve been giving repeats lately!

  • Twightwee says:

    Hi Bob! Hope you’re well! That store looks so amazing! Can’t wait to see were you go!

  • spiritchannel says:

    Sounds cool! I love historic towns! I bet there is alot of spirit activity there! Thanks for watching, and thank you for the invitation! I might just show up there! 🙂



  • SophiaDawn says:

    You find such the neatest little shoppes!! Have fun on your trip & stay safe! )O(

  • ProdigyRd says:

    come to my town! lol
    umm the revolutionary war took place here!
    and many famous people visited it at one time (thomas jefferson!)

  • TheDaintyDiva says:

    WOW wish they had that store when I lived there! I do remember there was one that was huge that was there in the early 90’s. They had psychics and all kinds of activities on the weekends. Fairfax rocks! You would stop in your tracks if you saw this store called pearls of wisdom here in Columbus!! I have several herkamer (sp?) diamonds myself very nice energy comes from them! I would love to meet up with you when I go back there to the area some day!

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