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Question by A.S. gone country: About Paganism, is it true that some people do black magic without knowing it?
Because My mother is Wicca witch and believes in Shaman way (like pagan but in native american way) and for some reason, she would try to “cast spells” on herself for good, or accidentally cast on others who done her wrong. I do think that she got deeper in and some people calls her a “Black Witch” because she would try to cast on spell on people who done her wrong and thinks she control everything at her demands (ex had her new husband quited his job over her or try to gain control over me because I am deaf which I know a little about Wicca myself but never really practice in it). Every day I would have to say my prayer to the Creator for watch over me and block her negativity away from me and my soon-to-be husband. I am a Native American and I do believe that pagan is really exists. I know a friend who is a paganism herself and she thinks that my mother is heading for a wrong way. My mother had changed so much that I do think that her negativity is turning herself into a puppet. I am wondering is there be a chance someone doing a black magic without knowing it?

One more question, Will she be backfired if she make one mistake or so?
I had say my prayer to Mother Eath and the Creator every now and then. my soon-to-be husband and I already talked to my mother about clean the negativity in Native American way. Which we did have it clean and chant in prayer over it. but stil feel negativity. I had warned my mother several times that she will be taking over by negativity. Now I let my mother and her husband deal what they going through. I had a friend suggeted to me to use sage and toccaco for blocking negativity and after I finish with visiting them. It is seems that negaitivity is gaining contorl of my mother’s life and using her as its human’s puppet. I have not giving up on my mother because I know she will soon to learn that she need to start doing things right again like she used to be as “White Witch”
I think she used to be in coven before with her friends when she was pretty young. My grandfather had warned her to be very careful with what she had being doing. I don’t look at pagan as work of devil because my mother try to raise me as one but I am kind of afraid that she may teach me the wrong way of pagan. Again I am Native American and believe in Mother Earth and Creator.

Best answer:

Answer by cheir
Witchcraft has been practiced for thousands of years and majors in the use of magic. This is the attempt to control the behaviour of nature &/or people by use of rituals, spells, hexes, voodoo etc. The effectiveness of this magic is dependent upon the use of demonic power and is condemned by the Bible. I suggest you read ‘From Witchcraft to Christ’ by Doreen Irvine (

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9 Responses to About Paganism, is it true that some people do black magic without knowing it?

  • Willbewill says:

    Their is a pagan belief that spells you cast come back on the caster… cause harm and harm will return….cause good and you will receive good.

  • Devo says:

    If your mom is acting oddly, there might be other causes. It is true that negativity can act like a disease, and slowly kill you, alter your moods, make you do things you woudln’t normally do. But your mom’s random switches just seem weird.
    Overall, if she continues going after people, someone will get tired of it, and it’ll bite her back one way or another. If I were in your shoes, I’d consider a couple options.
    A. You can cleanse her house or herself, see if that helps.
    B. Perform a binding spell to keep her from hurting herself or others.
    C. Keep up protective spells/prayers/chants for you and your family until she stops doing what she’s doing.
    Those are probably the best options. You can email me if you need more info.

  • Gilbert P says:

    The Art of Witchcraft is the Devil’s tool
    People who practice these Arts have chosen not to follow God, and they are an abomination to the Lord God.
    You will find what the Bible says about this in Deuteronomy 18:10-12.

    Satan is behind the Occult, and God forbids us to have anything to do with it!!

  • MSB says:

    Many Witches/Wiccans believe there is no such thing as “black” and “white” magic… magic is just energy, it is completely neutral. Like a hammer– it’s neutral, but you can use it to bash someone in the head or to help build a house for the homeless; it’s all in the intent, but the same principles would apply.

    There’s no way to really accidentally cast spells on people to harm them or manipulate them. It is all in the intention of the caster, and it’s a clear conscious choice.

    To do so would be straight-out against Wicca, as it violates the Wiccan rede. And while non-Wiccans are not committed to the rede, most Witches/Pagans would consider it unethical to do this.

    I do believe that if your mom is doing magic to hurt or control others, she’s got to be doing it intentionally. Casting a spell on someone requires a clear goal and target.

    Now I’m not saying your mom is turning evil or anything like that, but she could simply be using poor judgement out of desperation or worrying about others but feeling she has no control. She may be somehow in her mind justifying it that it is the right thing to do, or that it would be for the best, but that is a really slippery slope to go down as to do so we are making judgement calls we have no right to be making.

    If she is doing this, she’s probably drawing a lot negativity to herself, and that could be why you noticed a change in her. It’s not so much that the negativity makes you a puppet– it’s more like people can get addicted to manipulating others and find it hard to stop, so you draw more negativity to yourself, and that impacts everything from our mood to our health. It’s not much different than a drug addiction. You can keep cleansing her, but if she’s going to continue to make the choice to do these things it will just come back.

    All you can really do is talk to her again and try help her realize what she’s doing is just wrong and she’s going to end up hurting others and herself in the process. Ultimately though it will be up to her, and your best bet is to keep on protecting yourself and your fiance as you have been.

  • jennette h says:

    As your mother is Wiccan, does she belong to a circle or coven or does she have a teacher or maybe someone that she works with from time to time. Maybe one of these people can talk to her about the negative energy she seems to be building around herself. She sounds a little “out of balance” to me. I know that there are some Wiccans that do work with negative energy for different reason, but I believe that they try to be very careful to remain balanced in the workings that they do.

    You could suggest that rather than concentrating on casting spells against others that instead she concentrate on strengthening and empowering herself as well as protecting herself her home and her family.

    Try to point out that she is actually getting the opposite of what she wanted. Rather than protection and peace of mind she is troubled and has become surrounded by negativity.

    Kinda sounds like she needs a good cleansing as far as her spirit and her surroundings. Its up to her. She created the negativity, so its likely shes going to have to be the one instrumental in cleansing it.

    Keep praying for her and sending positive thoughts her way.

    PS, try not to be brought down by the “Witches worship the devil whether they know it or not” thing. To be perfectly honest they have almost the same argument for every faith in existence other than Christianity.

  • Sage says:

    Yes – they are called christians!!

    They adopted the pagan festivals of Easter, Christmas and halloween with all their rituals. They built their churches on the pagan sites and took on pagan rituals to encourage pagans to attend!!

    The Venerable Bede, an early Christian writer pointed out that the Christian church absorbed Pagan practices when it found the population unwilling to give up the festivals. Thus a lot of what Christians now see as Christians practices are in fact pagan!!!

    Scratch the Christian and you find the pagan – spoiled. – Israel Zangwill

  • Kanien:kaha'ka says:

    whatever it is your mother is doing isn’t native. we don’t have shamans. i suspect what she is doing is some new age stuff wich is pretty much a bit of this and that and whatever else sounds “cool”.

    people who mock other people’s beliefs in this way are asking for trouble. call it karma or what comes around goes around or whatever you want.

  • starchildbooks says:

    Black Magick is any type of magick which affects the free will of another person. Thus, many people perform black magick at an alarming rate each and everyday. Just consider how many people try to “control” another in any capacity outside of magick.

    Keep with your prayers and protections (and yes, sage does help a lot) and send love to her spirit and perhaps at some point she will see what she’s doing and understand better.

  • Tahuti Reincarnate says:

    My personal opinion is no. You can not do black magic without being aware of it.

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