I’m Aelli from Dual-Boxing.com, this is just a sample of my rampage to 2k+ ratings in the 5v5 bracket playing 4 Elemental Shaman at the same time in World of Warcraft. By popular demand, the link to each of the songs in order Waterflame – Thunderzone www.newgrounds.com Cheshyre – Madness6(remix) www.newgrounds.com czer323 – red3 orchestral www.newgrounds.com Enjoy
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Please don’t listen to anyone of these people saying its against Blizzard rules. Even now at patch 3.3.5 its still legal. I have been playing like this for a long time and havent recieved any warning or such ban. They get more money, what do they have to lose…
I want to see multibox lavaburst ;p
FU noob
@sniper3305 no its not
ey. can someone tell me the name of the songs please? ty.
Going into arena with 4 non multiboxed shamans would be better that multiboxed if you were organized.
@matteous why would you even want to play arena with someone when you can get 2k+ rating by your own…
lmfao this is hella funny hahaha press 1 button and someone dies instantly ahah
@Muradin93 your not hacking ur paying for all four characters, and you do control them, just with something other than a keyboard.
@nookey222 it depends,if u control 4 characters on 4 pc its illegal because u move them without pressing the keyboard..and this is they said a hack
@Muradin93 well it is legal retard, go read it on blizz offical website…
@rakuenld LMAO. gtfo noob.
have u guys seen the brand new rogue hack that will let you cheat at arena? it is astounding, my own rogue is in full arena pvp gear 2200 rating! i dont actually want to talk about this but what the heck.. you can aquire it on wowcheatsYnet (replace Y with . ) but dont tell too many people!
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If i ever have the money and equipment,ima multibox
noob !!! is LEAGAL!!!!
@sniper3305 no its not..
@gogudelatara he’s now a gladiator… so it is 2k+
Omfg nerd detected !!! Nerd Detected!!
Song is Waterflame -? Thunderzone
@GoliathuZz TBC FTW?…
Boxers should be shot. fail baddies with no friends to play arena with
@DerNor1 its legal ur not useing hacks and paying for 5 acounts so ya its legal
fail … this is not 2k+ looks more like 1500-1800 bracket ….i see only keyboard turning and backpadeling people so please dont write on tittle 2k when its not. Nuff sayed kthxbye
I see alot of debate if this is legal or not , it is, asked a GM recently and he said so at least