Get Adobe Flash player contact Elisa directly for info on Ayahuasca retreats. Ayahuasca is the world’s most powerful herbal medicine. Ayahuasca penetrates the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and intestines but more importantly the nervous system. Ayahuasca makes you look at who and what you are on a very deep level. if you are living out of integrity Ayahuasca will assist in your healing. Ayahuasca is very nuturing and loving but Ayahasca is not childs play. Amazonian medicine woman, Elisa Vargas Fernandez, sings a song of love and gratitude to the people at the Amazon Herb Co. for helping the shipibo tribe with land rights and rain forest preservation. save the Amazon By using Rain Forest products Indigenous Communities Express their Appreciation The Regional Institute of Growth for Native Communities, based in the Ucayali region of Peru, recently granted a formal letter of appreciation to John Easterling and the Amazon Herb Co. Associates for a variety of different contributions made to many of the native communities in the area. The Regional Institute of the Development of Native Communities IRDECON-GRDS, on behalf of the Indigenous Shipibo Conibo People, convey our recognition and gratitude to Mr. John Easterling, CEO and the Amazon Herb Co Associates, for the support that they bring to the native indigenous communities in areas such as – obtaining the official recognition of the communal territory (LAND

25 Responses to Amazon Shipibo shaman singing ( Elisa Vargas Fernandez )

  • seniazul says:

    beautiful, orgullosa de ser peruana!

  • MWCstream says:

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  • phoenix3430 says:

    Thank you

  • shamanizing says:

    Much gratitude for your work and helping spreading this Time-less message

    Elisa’s beautiful Earth song touches the Heart

    Represent the planet we’re all One

    Peace n blessings

  • ronman79 says:

    That is so cool. Ojibwe man from Canada here loving her singing. She sounds like the old ladies around here, just the same in their healing ways. Truly amazing

  • nacho1685 says:

    madrecita ayahuasca

  • kaitianya says:

    Most grateful for this blessing, thank you!!!

  • RoseblueShaman says:


    Thank You!

    I REALLY like how the people really have respected this post with good wholesome comments…

    I was blessed by this…………………….

  • nacho1685 says:

    Maravilloso Icaro, transmite paz y toda la energía de la naturaleza. Precioso-

  • babyjevus says:



    She is a True Healer.

    This is our path laid out for us at birth..
    I respect and admire her connection to “The 4 Directions”. I respect those of you who will watch this and pass it on…
    Many Blessings to All

  • hapsutakki says:

    Thank you, very beautiful singing 🙂

  • amazontroy says:

    more of her on CERTIFIEDHEALTHNUT.

    Elisa Vargas Fernandez is her name, share it with everyone, she will go viral and sell millions of her Icaros on when we release her album!!! it will help her tribe and the Rain Forest.

  • UnlearnEverything says:

    Amazing icaro 🙂

  • SL33PYJ0E says:

    thats pretty cool stuff.

  • Sailingthroughlife says:

    Very potent….life changing!!!

  • honipop says:

    Wow that shit is powerful, and it keeps getting stronger!!

  • HumoDelSotano says:


    me siento bien

  • joannisgs says:

    I love the jungle, I’m from the peruvian amazon, it’s beautiful!

  • nativesynergy says:

    how beautiful! that is great you work with her to save the Amazon!!!!!!!

  • 3967410 says:

    que bonito increible ermoza cancion

  • certifiedhealthnut says:

    entiendo. es mi trabajo ayudarnos…… ordenó la federación de RÍO PISQUE y otras derechas para el indígena. más la gente utiliza el sostenible de las medicinas de la planta cosechado por los indios que más aprisa salvamos el Amazon y somos habitantes. CON MUCHO AMOR

  • chinissesayu says:

    Que dulzura de voz!! No se porque pero, ademas de gustarme esta cancion me entristece. Como peruana, y como hija de una loretana, no puedo dejar de pensar en la inmensa pobreza y aislamiento social en que viven las comunidadaes indigenas de la selva amazonica de mi pais, el Peru

  • 1923ariel says:

    i lov this song aehehehe nice my

  • DragonessLife says:


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