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same time the Ten Commandments profess that “You shall not kill. (Exodus 20:13)” These ideas directly conflict with one another and that is something that any logical scholar should find to be very hard to swallow. To live your life based on rules that are ‘written in stone’, but denied in the very same book is an act of sheer ignorance. This is a blatant denial of all reason. Atheists cannot fathom the cause of this madness and therefore deny it all together.

These thoughts were not recently discovered. In fact, most of them can be dated all the way back to Greek philosophers like Epicurus. According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Epicurus “sought natural explanations for natural phenomena.”, and “was also the first to question the compatibility of God with suffering.”(McCormick)Throughout the enlightenment thinkers like David Hume questioned religion. This can be seen in his book Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding which was released in 1748. Specifically, he questioned the belief of miracles, arguing that “uniform experience of natural law outweighs the testimony of any alleged miracle.”(McCormick)More recently you can see the atheist influence in a lot of studied works by scholars such as Nietzsche and Camus. Both of those writers are renowned thinkers and are usually included in a literature class’s curriculum under the subject of existentialism. Existentialism is a philosophy that questions existence. In questioning our existence many of these intellectuals included their thoughts on religion, and almost all of them denied its integrity. These thinkers are where the modern idea of atheism is stemmed from, and can be found most prominently.

It wasn’t just the philosophers that we’re arguing against Christianity

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