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throughout history; many of scientists were also some of the first atheists. Before Nietzsche or Camus came Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. This really made much of society dismiss their traditional beliefs in religion and question whether or not there was in fact a God. Not only did it pose the question of whether or not there was a God, but it presented the issue of how mankind came to exist at all. Darwin’s argument was that we evolved as a species to get to where we are today. This was the fuel that the fire needed to burn throughout the secular world. The book On the Origin of Species was Darwin’s most famous work and outlined his research in developing the theory of evolution. He was already much respected in the science world and his research was not unknown to most people at the time, but it still ruffled some feathers of those who believed God was man’s creator. Most did not deny his research, but instead founded the belief that natural selection could be a product of God’s power.

Harris addresses the scientific argument in his book as well. Harris says that, “All complex life on earth has developed from simpler life-forms over billions of years. This is a fact that no longer admits of intelligent dispute.”(Harris 68)Basically, those who do not believe that evolution occurred should be dismissed from this argument of divinity all together because they have no logical reasoning ability. Even though evolution is viewed as a ‘theory’ in the scientific community it holds merit due to its infinite amount of evidence supporting it. So, if you are one who says that evolution never happened then it is clear that you are being irrational and should not try to justify your beliefs with that same lack of intelligence. Evolution

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