Question by LOTTIEE <33: Anyone got any good on line free tarot readings?
Just wondering if they are actually any good?
If so give me the adress and tell me about your experance?
Best answer:
Answer by United Colors of Crocoduck
all the tarot does is make you think about things from different angles. it is not magic. buy a deck and do it yourself.
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Well if the real tarots are a crock of chit im guessing the online ones are aswell
you can go to aol they have alot of people on there these this one girl fiona who actullay told me what was gonna happend with me and my hubby and it came true!!
never get a reading on line you never know if its a real one or if the person reading the cards know what there doing same with the phone
If you are patient you can find live readings from real people at the following sites. It can take some time but it is not computer generated random card meanings. These are e-mail readings.
One card reading:
Multi-card reading:
Even though I give readings (you can check out my feedback to see what other’s thought
) , sometimes I need to get a tarot reading. Often, I turn to online readers.. I have had both good and bad experiences.
I find that so many will limit the information or give a text book type of answer. This is incredibly disheartening, especially when it’s insight and guidance that a person needs.
On the other hand, I have found some very good quality readers. When searching for a tarot reader online, consider if they take tarot reading seriously and how long they have been reading. I would suggest that a professional reader (like any other profession in any industry) needs to be taking serious study of the tarot for at least four to ten years.
Does the reader belong to any tarot groups or organizations? Ebay has some good readers too, look at feedback …. Also, many organizations such as the American Tarot Association or Tarot Association of the Biritish Isles will have a list of professional readers on their website. I have belong to both organizations and can say they do quality checks on readings and have a mentorship before reading on their free reading websites. Something to think about.
Check to see if the reader has a code of ethics too and don’t be afraid to ask questions about qualifications before you have a reading. I have certifications I have earned on my website and my ebay feedback listed. Professional readers will be very open to offering you this information. You can check my site out if you wish..
Hello Lottie
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You can also, for fun, download a free tarot reading program x