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This is the most recent build of Arcana Manor, a 3d action adventure game about running, jumping, and swinging through the ruins of a surreal, occult mansion while casting spells and solving puzzles. I’m making this game prototype in Torque Game Engine Advanced, using Autodesk Softimage for models, Torque constructor for level design, GIMP for textures, and Torquescript for scripting. This build features some experiments with a new spell interface, including a rotating 3d tarot deck and a hexagram gui with jewel buttons that summons magical sigils with spellcasting powers. The player can also shift between first person shooter mode for melee and third-person mode for cursor-based spell-casting in the interfaces. I’m using Jeff Faust’s ArcaneFX in conjunction with these interfaces to implement spell-casting effects, including a custom attack spell with my own zodiacs and rune rings and a modified levitation spell using physical zones. The build also features some custom items representing the minor arcana of the tarot deck, including an ankh wand, a glowing black sword, a cup, and a pentacle.
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video of my priest jumping. I jumped over 20 times, experimenting with debuffing and rebuffing the levitate spell in order to get differing views of the jump. I then compiled this into one video to fit the length of the song. I want to think the actual jump on my priest using levitate from the very top, if no interruptions, is around 1.5 minutes. Levitate is slow. I’ve noticed my mage, using “slow fall” buff, actually drops at a quicker rate than my priest. Made this for creative fun, hope you enjoy.

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