massage skill. Be an excellent communicator as well as an attentive listener. Has to be energetic enough to inspire and motivate frustrated patients in tough situation. Should be well aware of various chemical properties of hundreds of botanical oils. Must be organized enough to keep record of patient history. Above all, analytical business skills with strong public relation is must to achieve success in this area.
If you have a inclination towards life science or chemistry, if you are really conscious of mental and physical well being of people, this could be the desired field for you. You are expected to earn a handsome amount from your home being an Aroma Therapist, as the demand is ever increasing in this field. This is considered to be the fastest growing sector in the field of alternative medicine.
Article by Jayden Harris owner of Home Job Alert a FREE work at home job service. Over 2,500 companies listed. Visit us at
Article by Jayden Harris owner of Home Job Alert a FREE work at home job service. Over 2,500 companies listed. Visit us at
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