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Winston Churchill on Islam and Why He Was Right

Revisionist historians, sniveling academics and the unlearned, supported by left wing liberals and socialists, all detest a man like Winston Churchill. The current political ideology of our times, the rampant left wing-ism of the media, government controlled education and propaganda, and historical rewriting where stone age civilizations are the apex of mankind’s spiritual development, where all wars fought for freedom and security throughout the ages are viewed as crimes, where criminals are treated better than victims, and where the threat and poverty of fascist Islam is blamed on ‘root causes’, the Jews, or poor American and British foreign policy, has little room for straight talk, statesmen or politicians who don’t care much about polls.

So if Churchill were around today what would he say about Islam and the threat faced by civilization? Would he be allowed to say anything at all ? Probably not. His political advisers would cry that he was not sensitive and ‘nuanced’ enough to speak on the ‘great religion’ of Islam. If Churchill did speak and say the obvious, how many organizations which support Islam would file a lawsuit ? How many newspapers and journals would label him a racist ? I would guess dozens of groups would sue Churchill, and all the mainstream media would label him a racist [even though Islam does not constitute a race but a political ideology]. If you declaim against any of the great causes of our time; Gays, Islam, Self-esteem, Relativity, the United Nations, the rise of China, etc. you are of course just a racist.

So what would Churchill say about Islam ? Well most likely he would say the exact same thing that he wrote in the River War, a book he had

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