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Question by DeadManPoet: As an individual, do we dictate how much power we have in physically/mental/metaphysical affairs?
When we get down to the core of it. We are the only person who can give our self power or take away power. We can either be powerless or have all the power imaginable.

Best answer:

Answer by Derek
Of coarse we dictate, we decide yes. Your question is more philosophical than psychological i think.

What do you think? Answer below!

2 Responses to As an individual, do we dictate how much power we have in physically/mental/metaphysical affairs?

  • Alex B says:

    true it’s u who dictates your powers bt there is also your environment 2 so the nxt time you think you rule well guess what? u wrong it’ s the people around you that give you power you might have the determination but if they don’t accept it then u useless.

  • IWantMeSomeCake says:

    It all depends on your interpretation of the universe.

    If you believe you’re in some sort of fake world (such as in the matrix) then you are fundamentally limited in the power you have.

    If you argue that nothing exists except you(“Cogito, ergo sum”-“I think, therefore I am”) and the world is a fabrication created entirely of your own imagination then the fundamental freedom and power you can wield is great.

    In a “normal” universe of individuals such as ours, your power is limited by many factors since everything is tied to and influenced by everything else.

    It generally boils down to what your view of the universe is and what you consider your role in it to be.

    Sorry if i cant really answer your philosophical question x.x

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