Articleboriginal implication in the project
^ Oil Sands Projects Oilsands Discovery
^ Synenco conference transcript
^ Wojciech Moskwa (2007-04-27). “Statoil to buy North American Oil Sands for 2 bln”. Financial Post. Retrieved 2007-12-09.
^ Shell rapped by ASA for ‘greenwash’ advert –, August 13, 2008
External links
Alberta Oil Sands: Key Issues and Impacts
OnEarth Magazine Canada’s Highway to Hell
Mud, Sweat and Tearsuardian Newspaper, 2007
Hugh McCullum, Fuelling Fortress America: A Report on the Athabasca Tar Sands and U.S. Demands for Canada’s Energy (The Parkland Institute)xecutive SummaryDownload report
Oil Sands Historyyncrude Canada
Oil Sands Discovery Centreort McMurray Tourism
The Trillion-Barrel Tar Pitrticle from December 2004 Wired.
Oil Sands Reviewister publication to Oilweek Magazine
Alberta’s Oil Sandslberta Department of Energy
Alberta’s Reserves 2005 and Supply/Demand Outlook 2006-2015lberta Energy and Utilities Board 2006-06-15
Canada’s Oil Sandspportunities and Challenges to 2015: An Updateune 2006ational Energy Board of Canada
Oilsands overview- Canadian Centre for Energy Information
Alberta Plan Fails to Protect Athabasca River
“Energy Statistics Handbook” (February 2008) Statistics Canada ISSN 1496-4600
Alastair Sweeny, History of the Oilsands to 1914
(French) Du sable dans l’engrenage tv document by Guy Gendron and Jean-Luc Paquette describing the Athabasca oil sands issues.
Further reading
Kunzig, Robert (March 2009). “The Canadian Oil Boom:
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