Playing D-Devils Black Magic on Audiosurf Elite Ninja. Tags: Audiosurf Audio Surf Audio-Surf Hollywood Undead Ironmode Elite Ninja video game music electronic audio surf audiosurf ride your synthr the last prophecy hardest song trance drum bass techno difficult tiesto van dyk buuren pendulum rave house twisted metal carl cox fresh dragon force sasha digweed fleming above beyond juno reactor enigma orbital ulrich schnauss fluke chemical brothers crystal method daft punk prodigy hybrid unlimited urban cookie underworld steam nine inch nails bt lemon jelly mint royale cobra cobra1337 cobra-1337 cobra1989 TeamSpeak Team Speak 3 2 1 Beta
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Go to MYRIDE.COM for more car videos. Shake it ’till you break it.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
must be a self desrtucticon lol
@ 1:16
ahhhhhhh thats better
@HeIsCoolMG It’s a cool way of ruining their cars
I did simillar shit in Gta San Andreas! :DDD
the wheel fell off this is stupid theese men should get a real job and play golf
that Car is So nice
Looks like it was having a fit…or could have been mr gadets car having a bad dream
lmfao he broke it lol
@HeIsCoolMG because retarded ppl actually pay big money to see this shit so they can afford destroying cars like that
this looks like utter shite sorry what a waste!
no i dont think this is cool at all
1:14 car: wait! (fart, some water) ok, let’s go!
like a dog
@Draxindustries1 yes
Can’t get it.. How much cost to have that little fun…??
Is this a spic thing?
no sabe bailarlo bato pendejo
it took a piss!!!!!
Fail At Wheel Braking. Fail At The Whole Sport. HelsCOOLMG Is Right
@HeIsCoolMG their mexicand, what do you expect
parecendo um carro tendo convulsão eIUASUE
Thing took a piss and then sat down
?????? ???????) ?????? ??????????????? ??????…)
now thats poppin a wheelie
what´s the song of 0:18???? thanks