Playing D-Devils Black Magic on Audiosurf Elite Ninja. Tags: Audiosurf Audio Surf Audio-Surf Hollywood Undead Ironmode Elite Ninja video game music electronic audio surf audiosurf ride your synthr the last prophecy hardest song trance drum bass techno difficult tiesto van dyk buuren pendulum rave house twisted metal carl cox fresh dragon force sasha digweed fleming above beyond juno reactor enigma orbital ulrich schnauss fluke chemical brothers crystal method daft punk prodigy hybrid unlimited urban cookie underworld steam nine inch nails bt lemon jelly mint royale cobra cobra1337 cobra-1337 cobra1989 TeamSpeak Team Speak 3 2 1 Beta
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Go to MYRIDE.COM for more car videos. Shake it ’till you break it.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
is this gam for pC?
how do u make so u heare tha computer sound with fraps? plz answer
my version doesn’t have that “sell me your soul” in 2:23 ;(
sell me your soul and il give u power sell me your soul and darknes will rule
…I Like his music no doubt, but i wish there was more synthesizer, like a platinum saw or something similar… : /
i dont get this game . can u lose it in ? what is the purpose ?
what that game ?
@TheDule96 Yes i use Fraps
ill try the Song and if its hard, ill make a Movie.
U used Fraps ??????
Pls make a Video on :
that’s fu*king insaneeee ! 
Prodigy – Voodoo People [Pendulum Remix] !!
message me for the link
Nice song .. . …. but can you give the downlaod link for this game the elite
this song is awesome!!
OHhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
downloading the game right now, w00t
Are you by chance a raver?
where can i download this song???
wooo this is the BEST
you are good
Put this–>” Audiosurf Elite Ninja “on the Wikipedia and then you will learn for this game.
Put this–>” Audiosurf Elite Ninja “on the Wikipedia and then you will learn for this game.
darth vaders song. he sings it for his apprentice
its a great song and a fantastic game ware i got tish game to play?
This game is THE SHIT on beans.
this is one fun ass game i downloaded it the other day took me a wile to find a free copy but i got it