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Most struggle and fights in relationships are our desperate trying to fix something in the outside in order to feel better inside. Has it ever worked for you? It never has for me!

All your power and freedom is inside of you and how you adjust your thoughts and feelings without the dependency on outer circumstances. That could mean that you keep focusing onto the parts of your partner you love and pull your attention away from the parts you are reacting to. Abraham Hicks, who is a wonderful teacher on the subject of Law of Attraction, puts it this way.

— By My Attention to Things, I Am Making Choices…
What people do not understand is that you do not choose something by looking at it and shouting Yes, I would like some of that! You make your choices by your attention to things. In this Universe that is based on attraction, when you look at an unwanted thing, your attention to it causes an activation of the Vibration within you, and then the Law of Attraction brings more like it into your experience. – Abraham- Hicks

Find an Anchor for the Quality you Want to Achieve in your Life

When I want to focus onto something I love about my husband I focus onto his love for our cat Angelito. Angelito came to us 8 days old and we bottle feed him around the clock. It was an amazing time to care for such a vulnerable being and was a big gift for both of us. Even if we both were his caregivers he bonded more deeply with my husband. His mother was dying at that time and he was in a very vulnerable place. The tiny kitten would sit on his chest, on his heart and they had that special sweetness and melting. The cat is now 2 years old and the first thing it does coming into the house,

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