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is running up to him and sit on his chest for a minute. I look at them having that bonding communion and it never fails to touch my heart. That quality of being one with each other and deeply loving for that moment in time has become my anchor for the love I desire to manifest deeper and deeper in my life and with my husband. I want to inspire you to put some thought to this in your own life. Find something to focus on and to direct your attention towards.

The Gem for the Day is the Herkimer Diamond

In Vedic and Western astrology using gemstones is recommended for pacifying difficult astrological constellations. The Herkimer Diamond is a stone for balance and will serve the general situation of intense Scorpio Moon energy and Libra needs. The Herkimer Diamond is one of the true birthstones of Libra. It is a wonderful ally for meditation and can also be made into jewelry.

— Found in Herkimer, New York, this is a double-terminated rock crystal with such clarity and brilliance that it was named after the most reflective and brilliant stone there is, the Diamond. A handful of Herkimer Diamonds are as dazzling as real Diamonds. The most common material on earth, silica, becomes a sparkling little gem in the Herkimer Diamond.  

This stone grows in small air pockets in the mother matrix rock material. It starts as a small seed crystal and grows outward from the center. Some collector’s pieces are displayed still embedded in a pocket of air in the mother matrix.

This stone is amazing in its beauty, clarity, and perfection. Unlike the Diamond, which must be cut and polished to bring out its beauty, the Herkimer Diamond is perfect in its natural state and requires no cutting or polishing

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