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HAMSA-YOGA.ORG for more. Kriya Yoga is not a religion. It is the science of the soul. The technique is composed of spinal breathing, magnetic oxidation which causes the electrical flow of prana to reverse itself into the river of the spinal cord and regain its divine essence. Kriya yoga utilizes positive light energy growth for spiritual evolution of consciousness. Yogiraj is a living master and solar seer, and helps sincere practitioners of yogic meditation awaken to higher levels of consciousness through chakra awakening and esoteric practices of Himalayan yoga. Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath was born on May 10, 1944 in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has been meditating since the age of 3, and spent his early years in the Himalayas amongst the HamsaNath yogis, in whose presence he was transformed. The divine transformation flowered after his deep and personal experiences in 1961 and 1967 with the yogi-christ Mahavatar Shiv-Goraksha-Babaji, the same spiritual master described in Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi. He has a wife of 30+ years, Gurumata Shivangani, with whom he built by hand the Hamsa Yoga Sangh Ashram (Spiritual Retreat) outside the city of Pune, near Bombay, India. They have two sons, and two grandchildren. Yogiraj teaches yogic meditation for the evolution of human consciousness. These perennial practices of yoga are the most ancient closely guarded sacred practices of the Himalayan yogis and masters from time immemorial. They help the practitioner

A talk by Khurshed Batliwala, director of World Alliance for Youth Empowerment at Ruia College, Mumbai. With a post graduate in Mathematics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Khurshed Batliwala, or Bawa as he is fondly known (a nick name that has stuck from his IIT days) is an extraordinary personality. In his own words, he decided it was better to teach people meditation and make them happy rather than teach them mathematics and make them miserable and thus chose the unconventional and challenging career path as a faculty member of the Art of Living, sharing the vision of its founder, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, which is to see a smile on every face on the planet.

48 Responses to Babaji Kriya Yoga Secrets 2 – Science and Spirituality Converge

  • HamsaYogi says:

    @wernertrptube He has no stylist or dresser. He just lets it flow. And yes, if there is an icon that registers or resonates in the collective psyche of humankind, then He is indeed the archetype for God the Father. Look at the Sistine ceiling by Michelangelo and you’ll see Him there in the Creation of Adam.

  • wernertrptube says:

    Why do he look like god itself ?
    Who is his hair dresser/cutter/stylist ?

  • sl45 says:


  • kishoregsatwal says:

    this is great!! we bow down to maha avatar babaji’s kriya yoga!

  • Friendlyinternetspid says:

    even if babaji’s way is said to be the fastest way, it is still a way up the mountain to achieve cosmic consciousness, one should choose what fits them, we should take time to ask ourselves what is right for us, when we finaly understand ourselves we can be better at understanding the world around us

  • devil0928 says:

    It’s all just a very rich dream, overwhelming, where we need to play eternally and along the road there is evolution and realisation that its such a beautiful divine divine game where u can pause and take a break lol.

  • lauriem1967 says:

    God’s errand, we run them in the spinal cord,

  • richards74 says:

    uknow some time i ask myself the same question. but we must go on

  • eurydiceissonice says:


  • westcoastrecreation says:

    i wish to fly and to let die the proccess of my thinking, i hope and pray that soon some day my soul it will be sinking.

  • westcoastrecreation says:

    in order for the being to better itself

  • bikramd says:

    Good start. The sages who found truth and these techniques actually started with these questions.

  • workofgods says:

    i am joyed by the responses on this video, most i see are degrading words of non knowledge.

  • workofgods says:

    because we are evolving, we are here in the first place out of god’s dream, this is but a dream to him, the god men are the ones whom have woken up, angry, merry, playing, sleeping, its just a dream which you evolve past slowly and slowly, here there is death, elsewhere past this universe there is no death but you must evolve past that with yoga.

  • arcosstec says:

    thank you so much-your every vid is a bliss for everyone!))))

  • useyourminds says:

    what i cant understand is why are we on earth, why are we wat we are..(eating, sleeping, playing, whining, angry, merry etc), why must we age , why must we take pains n why must we die……why die?? if die then why come here in the first place..????… body explains this….

  • fun4everlast says:

    good question. well, they have written books, they are found if one searches. They allow free will in humans to function, as they were once human and they had the choice so do we. His spiritual radiance is helping us, the saints feed us but we need to open our mouth and chew.

  • sachinimt says:

    And how do you know that he and other yogis and saints of all the religions are not trying to do exactly that? It is our negativities and collective intent of going down which is pushing us into such abyss. Please if you do not know someone, show restraint. If you have met him and have something against him, it makes sense for you to comment. If you do not know him, then why comment negatively; not just abt Gurunath but anyone in general? I pray to GOD that we get more of such people and saints.

  • btsumm says:

    You think I don’t feel the suffering my friend?
    You are mistaken…


  • btsumm says:

    I bless all people…
    Is it the job of one man to save the world?
    Look inside to see the answer…
    If one man could save the world…then why are we still in this situation…


    If we want peace, love, and unity…it is nothing more than a choice we make in the NOW.

  • dannyharder says:

    If you read the first three chapters of the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ you’ll start to have a clue. There are translations of it on internet. Google it! hope i helped!

  • Shadowcloaker says:

    What do you think? That is all that truely matters.

  • btsumm says:

    I too struggle with the same question. While I am not a warrior in the armed forces. I do have a warrior soul. The question is does god need a warrior…that answer is yes, because the reality is you are but a reflection of god.

    But even in times of peace you need warriors. Look inside for the path you choose.

  • billville111 says:

    theuniversalarthur –

    Very profound post.

    The best understanding I have found regarding a Warrior’s role in the play of God, is found in Paramahansa Yogananda’s Bhavagad Gita.

    This is a highly advanced concept, and subject to many interpretations.

    Wishing you Godspeed on your quest.


  • theuniversalarthur says:

    Do warriors have a purpose as a part of god? I’m a United States Marine and I’m trying to find my place in the world. More importantly, I’m trying to understand who I am and why god made me what I am.

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