2009 the year of MARDUKITE CHAMBERLAINS MARDUKITE MINISTRIESOvate / Ovydd College. So You Want to (How to) BE A DRUID WIZARD??? Part 40 So You Want to (How to) BE A WIZARD??? Part 96 Uploaded by MARDUKITE MINISTRIES courtesy of Joshua Free aka Merlyn Stone. www.mardukite.com MARDUKITE MERLYN’S YOUTUBE ONLINE SCHOOL www.youtube.com/mardukite Lesson 12.5: Forest Magick: THIS ENCHANTED FOREST this series has been adapted from MERLYNS MAGICK, ARCANUM, and APPLIED DRUIDOLOGY (all by Joshua Free) Mardukite TV Ceremonial Series. Merlyn’s Magick © 2005, Joshua Free Arcanum © 2008 Joshua Free www.myspace.com/merlynstone www.myspace.com/mardukite www.youtube.com/merlynstone Be a Wizard Sem 1: energy, visualization, thought & willpower, natural forces, magickal correspondences, effective magick, basic techniques, magick circle, casting the circle, calling the elementals, raising energy, closing the magick circle, autosuggestion, hypnospells, modern (neo)paganism, wicca, grove festivals/sabbats, magickal attire, principles of belief (1974), critics of magick, arts of spellcraft, tools of the art, magick for others, candle magick, candle spells, herbalism, seduction & glamoury, love-lust & relationships, practical magick you can use, edaphic tradition, elves & elementals, edaphic ritualism. Be a Wizard Sem 2: elemental ritual magick, natural thresholds, tarot, golden dawn system of magick, middle pillar rite, kabbalistic cross rite, LBRP, Watchtower Ceremony, Enochian Basics, Enochian …

The Enchanted Studio celebrated its “Divine Debut” with a free Spirit gathering on March 21, 2010, hosted by North NYC Lightworkers. Event included introductions, guided meditation, refreshments (break), and mini psychic readings by intuitive clairvoyant Dana Marie. For information on upcoming events at The Enchanted Studio, visit www.NorthNYCLightworkers.net or to schedule a private reading with Dana Marie, go to www.IntuitiveDana.com.