Want a lvl 80 Char in 1 week????? tinyurl.com Need Help in PvP????? tinyurl.com Six months after “Beavis goes Berserk” i present my second Windfury Crit movie. I´m playing an orc enhancement shaman (0/47/14) on the EU server Wrathbringer. Armorylink: eu.wowarmory.com This video is ONLY for entertainment. It takes no skill at all to do what i show in this video. (Only to reach 2050 for the s4 weapon :P) So pls stop here and press return if you are looking for skill. What to expect in this vid: *s4 2hand mace *low equipped opponents *high crits *wsg zerking *a few 1 vs 2 or 3 enemys (bad equipped) *a lot of onehits *orc raping alliance *biggest windfurycrit on a pvp target in wow history i guess (if not let me know ;)) What NOT to expect in this vid: *SKILL *Arena *Duells *Dw *equal geared opponents Also i have to mention a big problem i faced making this video: Since Arenagear is availible for honor, 70% of the people you face on bg`s wear something around 400 resilience. Ok 30% left. 15% out of these 30 have to much armor or fake death, so no good targets for max. big crits. 15% left wich could work: Priests, Mages, Warlocks, mutilate or combat rogues and restordruids if you manage to hit them in normal form. Now you maybe think, thats quite a lot, but here comes the next problem: To LESS HP. Yes, to LESS. If you watch the movie, you will recognize that allmost half of the onehits are only 3 numbers: Stormstrike, Autohit and 1!!! Windfuryproc. This is because, if a target …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A great song, I was totally the first one to upload this song so all you other guys, its cool you want some glory too. LOL you guys, music video here: www.youtube.com Spread the love to my other video, I’m in it! Maybe the sky’s falling out around the babies Maybe the world is going to spin out of control I don’t care anymore What if I quit today working for the man Who said I have another, well, maybe I can its all gonna end anyway Tell me doctor, whats the cure, for the wicked mans blue’s Fly Dragonfly Fly Dragonfly Fly Dragonfly Fly Dragonfly When the skies, fall to the seas I won’t mind The cause is me When the wind, blows through the trees I won’t mind The dragonfly Fly Dragonfly Fly Dragonfly When I come Give me a beat and take my advice Just let me be When the moon, turns black as night When it erupts Oh, dragonfly *Insert guitar solo* Don’t takes so long I’ll be here before you know See you in my mind’s eye Fly, fly dragonfly Fly Dragonfly Fly Dragonfly Fly Dragonfly If you guys have any corrections on them, feel free to tell me
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Wich program do you use to record with?:)
omg at 1:24 tht s so incredible fast 0.o
Want a lvl 80 Char in 1 Week??
i lol’d so much
my playtime record is 2,5 Days ;D
Want a lvl 80 Char in 1 Week??
i lol’d so much
my playtime record is 2,5 Days ;D
Want a lvl 80 Char in 1 Week??
i lol’d so much
my playtime record is 2,5 Days ;D
you kno its bad when u see a priest die then go angel, u should tell him he is the wrong spec >.<
i wish wow was still like this
Beast….nuf said
@mrbored1234567890 so do i! but pre-bc was the best ever!!!
@xMoreTx Ofc They Got nerfed in Wotlk ;<
At 2.57 Haha A pirate attacked you !
THX 4 reins out^^
rly rly nice, yes idd this is insane for a lvl 70, do you still play ?, BTW check my profil if u want to a pvp guild
I hate wow
Hmpf >.> I cant seem to crit 8k >.>!
this is the best song ever (Y) in flames we trust!!
just beautifle mate i like your style very nice
He has not full s4. He has shoulder from s3
good! beavis it’s the best:)!
if u think about it…. you just lvled your rogue to 70 in a long time…much effort n stuff. and ur starting pvp and tryin to be the best. after some time uve got full pvp gear s4 and u think man my gear rox and i pwn the most pvp players. u just enter the BG runnin to the flag with ur insane 11k life and than some enhancshaman joins ur runnin and just fucks u up with one hit
i miss old skool wow aka vanilla wow QQ
vivite : maelstromwow.dyndns.org
personally I think if you 2h wf proc should be at least 35%, the only reason they don’t want us doing this is because when we hit rouges they die pretty quick. every shaman that has 2h handed has killed a rouge at or near full health with one swing.
really super op!
what unitframe addons do u use?