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If we have a machine of some sort hooked up to the electricity, it powers the machines and things are fine. But what happens when a human being is touching the end of the wire where the electricity comes out of it? To simplify it let’s just say electricity puts out BIG waves that are easily measured by todays technology.

How much energy do you produce when you blow air out of your mouth? You can probably easily create enough energy to blow out the candles on your birthday cake, but can you, by yourself produce enough energy to turn a wind turbine? Of course not, and obviously the waves of energy you produce when blowing out those candles is not nearly as strong as the waves electricity causes but we are technologically advanced enough that we measure the energy you produce.

Your thoughts also produce waves of energy. Our current technology can measure the thought waves inside our head, but we have not reached the point with our technology to be able to measure a persons thought waves from across the room. The waves are there, we just don’t have the technology to measure it yet. Does the fact that we can not measure the waves from across the room mean they don’t exist? Of course not!

Psychic Abilities Pick up those waves

Every thought we think, every sound we make, every movement we make, everything we do is constantly putting out little amounts of energy and we know that energy never dies so all these thoughts etc., etc., are still there, but our currently technology does not allow us to scientifically measure all this energy.

But the Universal Power that designed and built us and everything else built within us the fantastic ability to

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